Posted September 24, 2016
How would that patch add the parts to the GOG version? The GOG version is even installed in a complete different directory. O.o
Weird. I'm going to research this.
In fact, I'd say its the same build as the Steam one given that GOG version comes with steam_api.dll files in each of the bin directories.
Directores the GOG version has are:
bp1content (creepy and cute)
Data (base game *)
DataEP1 (galactic adventures *)
SporeBin (base game)
SporeBinEP1 (galactic adventures)
Support (help files)
* There are where you place mod packages.
Do note that Spore saves data in several locations outside of its folder, under the Users directory. Look in My Documents and AppData / Roaming for example.
Saves are in AppData / Roaming / SPORE
User generated content in My Documents / My Spore Creations
But on my PC, there is no BP2_Data.package (robo-parts) in any directory. So it's not included in the GOG build which I installed via Galaxy yesterday.