Posted May 31, 2020
Forgive me for posting a few threads to submit my feedback. I am unable to post more in my original thread because of the limitations, and I can't simply make a second post in my own thread because it doesn't let me. Please hang in there with me while I try to put the rest of these threads out, and I hope it doesn't inconvenience anyone. It should only be a small handful of threads, and I hope maybe a moderator could merge them for me later if that's okay. Thank you for understanding and have a very good day.
#18 (18 is a VERY big one) it doesn't make sense how water runs out. Your crew produce it by using the bathroom, but the water became "critically low" I don't even know how this is possible because where would it even go? Maybe there should be a device called a "Condenser" that pulls water out of the air inside the ship that's just floating around as humidity, because for some reason when our plant foods are watered, the water just gets sent away to another dimension never to be seen again. It doesn't seem to evaporate into the air or end up in the food and get sent back to the bathroom and then cleaned as water again, it just vanishes without a trace.
I even have a water purifier and I gave it an infinite refine ice order, which temporarily solved the problem, but I had a huge amount of trouble getting my crew to refine ice into water, and I had to select it and put it on logistics highest priority and remove them from 100% of all other jobs and disable every machine possible but they were still very slow to take care of it and it had me very worried.
I worry about what happens when I explore the entire game and mine all the ice asteroids. The water isn't behaving as if it is recycled in a closed system in the ship and it eventually disappears. Do my crew just toss the water out the airlock when they are done with it lol? Is there just a drain when they wash their hands or something and it flies out into space? I just think i't's a really big issue if I can only get water from external sources like ice asteroids, and the water does not seem to stay at the level collected in your storage. I just can't imagine where it is all going considering a spaceship is a sealed environment and so are the spacesuits, so the only way the crew and ship must be losing water is if they are actively and intentionally getting rid of it in a secret way that the player can not observe.
The water issue is a huge problem for me because I can never just settle down and rest and let my space ship just feel comfy and safe, and I feel that this partially ruins some of the fun of the game because the water in storage is essentially a very well hidden "in game timer" and in my opinion, timers absolutely ruin every single game they are in. Timers turn all the fun into stress, and to make the stress go away, I now have to turn my entire experience away from "space haven" and now it's just "water collecting simulator". It really prevents me from simply relaxing and enjoying the game. I'm okay with fighting aliens and all that, and I love a good fun challenge, but I don't think I can handle the water disappearing timer.
I really think that all water the player collects should stay in their inventory forever unless it is currently being used by someone or something else. I think the water should be tracked, example: How much water is currently sitting in the soil of the plant growers, how much water all the plants contain, how much water the food made by the kitchen machine contains, how much water is inside of people before and after they use the bathroom, how much water is in the space-toilet, and how much of the water is in the ships breathable atmosphere (humidity) to be extracted by a "condenser" for repurposing/recycling/re-use. It doesn't have to be as complicated as I describe, but my main point is that the number of "waters" you have in storage shouldn't magically just disappear over time for no reason since it's in a closed system, and there is no way it could logically be disappearing.
#19 When accessing the style customization menu, one specific type of floor is missing, because you are only able to select the square shaped metal grating floor type but as that strange green and gray metal color, but it is impossible to ever get back the floor of the same type but instead "blue metal" in appearance, I actually think the blue type is much nicer (just to be clear, you can get floors that appear blue, but you can't get the square shapes metal grate floor in blue color from the style menu, even though I had it at one point before I tried out the other styles, it's just an option I am unable to switch back to, even though I want to). It is also frustrating to choose wall style compared to floor style because all the icons are walls, instead of walls showing only walls and floors showing only floors.
#20 I don't know why but I feel like it would be really cool if we could choose to grow tofu instead of artificial meat. I never really liked the idea of things pretending to be meat, and I would honestly prefer to just grow the high protein and high fat tofu (made from soybeans) maybe the hydroponics could grow soy or just generic labeled "beans" and then the kitchen machine could process it into tofu? I think it would be pretty cool and it would match the whole theme still, just as a different option.
#21 I encountered a bug where the game says "prepare for interstellar travel" but every time I select another ship to trade with or select the communication/operation console the "prepare for interstellar travel" objective pops up again. Other objectives did this rarely as well.
#22 it would be nice to have some kind of belt system where the storage is connected automatically to all machines and everything was automatically sent where it was needed, and then the crew only had to sit at a console to operate all the machines remotely (no placing it because that would be a nightmare because of the limited space, unless it was placed under the floor so it wouldn't be obstructing anything or being obstructed by anything)
#23 it would be really cool if it was possible to build an AI computer that could auto-manage all systems for the crew so that the crew could focus on other things. The AI computer would also be very useful if you wanted to run the ship with everyone in hypersleep. It would be nice if the AI computer could run all the machines and refill them and send the items to storage and take what it needed from storage as well.
#24 robot/android crew. This would be very very cool.
#25 high tech alien mental super powers for crew (maybe through genetic engineering?)
#26 genetic engineering to improve your crew
#26 cloning tanks able to use genetic material (and further modified genetic material) to create hero crew with special abilities and special powers (also fully 100% customized crew members)
#27 the ability to take alien DNA and Human DNA and mix it together to make alien human hybrid crew
#28 At one point one of my crew POOPED THEIR PANTS SO HARD, that they needed to go to the hospital. I sent them to the bathroom to clean up but they wouldn't do it, They just wouldn't get better, and I had to send them to the hospital. A moment after they went to the medical bed, they felt better and their pooped pants was cured. LOL this game, wow just wow. I respect your sense of humor devs. I love it. However, this problem is starting to get very common and frustrating. Don't astronaught suits have bathrooms built in? Especially in the future where this game takes place? Another problem is that the pooped pants lasts around a day or two. I can't believe it that they don't just go to the bathroom and clean up. It would take them a few minutes, but instead they keep working or even go to sleep with pooped pants. It's disgusting, and it happens to all my crew constantly. They have access to bathrooms and use them all the time, but still poop their pants.
#18 (18 is a VERY big one) it doesn't make sense how water runs out. Your crew produce it by using the bathroom, but the water became "critically low" I don't even know how this is possible because where would it even go? Maybe there should be a device called a "Condenser" that pulls water out of the air inside the ship that's just floating around as humidity, because for some reason when our plant foods are watered, the water just gets sent away to another dimension never to be seen again. It doesn't seem to evaporate into the air or end up in the food and get sent back to the bathroom and then cleaned as water again, it just vanishes without a trace.
I even have a water purifier and I gave it an infinite refine ice order, which temporarily solved the problem, but I had a huge amount of trouble getting my crew to refine ice into water, and I had to select it and put it on logistics highest priority and remove them from 100% of all other jobs and disable every machine possible but they were still very slow to take care of it and it had me very worried.
I worry about what happens when I explore the entire game and mine all the ice asteroids. The water isn't behaving as if it is recycled in a closed system in the ship and it eventually disappears. Do my crew just toss the water out the airlock when they are done with it lol? Is there just a drain when they wash their hands or something and it flies out into space? I just think i't's a really big issue if I can only get water from external sources like ice asteroids, and the water does not seem to stay at the level collected in your storage. I just can't imagine where it is all going considering a spaceship is a sealed environment and so are the spacesuits, so the only way the crew and ship must be losing water is if they are actively and intentionally getting rid of it in a secret way that the player can not observe.
The water issue is a huge problem for me because I can never just settle down and rest and let my space ship just feel comfy and safe, and I feel that this partially ruins some of the fun of the game because the water in storage is essentially a very well hidden "in game timer" and in my opinion, timers absolutely ruin every single game they are in. Timers turn all the fun into stress, and to make the stress go away, I now have to turn my entire experience away from "space haven" and now it's just "water collecting simulator". It really prevents me from simply relaxing and enjoying the game. I'm okay with fighting aliens and all that, and I love a good fun challenge, but I don't think I can handle the water disappearing timer.
I really think that all water the player collects should stay in their inventory forever unless it is currently being used by someone or something else. I think the water should be tracked, example: How much water is currently sitting in the soil of the plant growers, how much water all the plants contain, how much water the food made by the kitchen machine contains, how much water is inside of people before and after they use the bathroom, how much water is in the space-toilet, and how much of the water is in the ships breathable atmosphere (humidity) to be extracted by a "condenser" for repurposing/recycling/re-use. It doesn't have to be as complicated as I describe, but my main point is that the number of "waters" you have in storage shouldn't magically just disappear over time for no reason since it's in a closed system, and there is no way it could logically be disappearing.
#19 When accessing the style customization menu, one specific type of floor is missing, because you are only able to select the square shaped metal grating floor type but as that strange green and gray metal color, but it is impossible to ever get back the floor of the same type but instead "blue metal" in appearance, I actually think the blue type is much nicer (just to be clear, you can get floors that appear blue, but you can't get the square shapes metal grate floor in blue color from the style menu, even though I had it at one point before I tried out the other styles, it's just an option I am unable to switch back to, even though I want to). It is also frustrating to choose wall style compared to floor style because all the icons are walls, instead of walls showing only walls and floors showing only floors.
#20 I don't know why but I feel like it would be really cool if we could choose to grow tofu instead of artificial meat. I never really liked the idea of things pretending to be meat, and I would honestly prefer to just grow the high protein and high fat tofu (made from soybeans) maybe the hydroponics could grow soy or just generic labeled "beans" and then the kitchen machine could process it into tofu? I think it would be pretty cool and it would match the whole theme still, just as a different option.
#21 I encountered a bug where the game says "prepare for interstellar travel" but every time I select another ship to trade with or select the communication/operation console the "prepare for interstellar travel" objective pops up again. Other objectives did this rarely as well.
#22 it would be nice to have some kind of belt system where the storage is connected automatically to all machines and everything was automatically sent where it was needed, and then the crew only had to sit at a console to operate all the machines remotely (no placing it because that would be a nightmare because of the limited space, unless it was placed under the floor so it wouldn't be obstructing anything or being obstructed by anything)
#23 it would be really cool if it was possible to build an AI computer that could auto-manage all systems for the crew so that the crew could focus on other things. The AI computer would also be very useful if you wanted to run the ship with everyone in hypersleep. It would be nice if the AI computer could run all the machines and refill them and send the items to storage and take what it needed from storage as well.
#24 robot/android crew. This would be very very cool.
#25 high tech alien mental super powers for crew (maybe through genetic engineering?)
#26 genetic engineering to improve your crew
#26 cloning tanks able to use genetic material (and further modified genetic material) to create hero crew with special abilities and special powers (also fully 100% customized crew members)
#27 the ability to take alien DNA and Human DNA and mix it together to make alien human hybrid crew
#28 At one point one of my crew POOPED THEIR PANTS SO HARD, that they needed to go to the hospital. I sent them to the bathroom to clean up but they wouldn't do it, They just wouldn't get better, and I had to send them to the hospital. A moment after they went to the medical bed, they felt better and their pooped pants was cured. LOL this game, wow just wow. I respect your sense of humor devs. I love it. However, this problem is starting to get very common and frustrating. Don't astronaught suits have bathrooms built in? Especially in the future where this game takes place? Another problem is that the pooped pants lasts around a day or two. I can't believe it that they don't just go to the bathroom and clean up. It would take them a few minutes, but instead they keep working or even go to sleep with pooped pants. It's disgusting, and it happens to all my crew constantly. They have access to bathrooms and use them all the time, but still poop their pants.
This question / problem has been solved by AdmiralGeezer