Posted May 31, 2020
Forgive me for posting a few threads to submit my feedback. I am unable to post more in my original thread because of the limitations, and I can't simply make a second post in my own thread because it doesn't let me. Please hang in there with me while I try to put the rest of these threads out, and I hope it doesn't inconvenience anyone. It should only be a small handful of threads, and I hope maybe a moderator could merge them for me later if that's okay. Thank you for understanding and have a very good day.
#39 Another weird thing that happens is when the crew is moving items from one ship to another, if they run out of space to load it up into the airlock, they just stand there for no reason, instead of moving more boxes nearby the airlock to place on the floor. They waste huge amounts of time and effort and it happens very often.
#40 Somtimes the shuttle brings people to another ship, docks, they get out, do nothing, (or don't even get out) and then get back in and fly to the home ship again for no reason around 1-4 times without doing anything (even when there is no cargo to move) and then they finally get out and start doing things.
#41 The shuttle sometimes picks some people up and takes them home, but leaves others behind to do work, even when the shuttle was empty and didn't need to leave, and could have just stayed there and waited another minute.
#42 the shuttle very often flies back and forth from home ship to abandoned ships like 99 million times more than necessary.
#43 shuttles don't always utilize their full cargo capacity
#44 shuttles, when rarely actually filled to 100% are surprisingly not able to carry very much. I think shuttles should be able to carry more cargo. Sometimes my crew spends 4 entire days (space-days in game) salvaging one abandoned ship.
#45 crew does not seem to be able to carry very much cargo/items to the shuttle and they have to run back and forth from every individual item back to the shuttle over and over. This is exhausting and tedious and takes forever. I think crew should be able to carry much more (they should take out little moving wagons) and move from item to item, and then finally take back all the items to the shuttle in one go all at the same time.
#46 on normal speed the crew moves extremely slow so I end up playing the game 99% of the time on the highest speed setting. The problem is that days are incredibly short and the amount of work that can be done in one day is extremely small even with all the correct priorities set up. I think that days should be much much longer because I feel like my crew always has to go to sleep at the worst time possible. They get tired too quickly and space night time comes in what feels like one second after they wake up and they have to sleep for what seems like forever, and it even feels like night lasts four times longer than the day, even on the highest speed setting. It would be nice to watch them sleep for a much shorter amount of time and have them wake up fully refreshed and able to handle a space day that is about 4-5 times longer than what the game currently allows. basically sleep 4-5x shorter, 4-5x shorter night, 7-10x higher rest gained from sleep, and 4-5x longer day. This would make the game much more enjoyable for me. All the time the crew send sleeping is time that I'm not playing the game. I'm just forced to sit and wait and that makes for a less than excellent experience.
#47 Please make extremely in depth modding tools
#48 Please make extremely in depth debug menu/debug tools that don't punish the player for using them in any way
#49 Please make extremely in depth cheat menu that doesn't punish the player for using them in any way
#50 I can not stress it enough, water and ice and energy crystals are so rare and few that by the time I mine what's in an area and try to salvage a ship or two I'm already down to extremely critical low amounts. This pretty much ruins the experience for me. I know it's in alpha, but I worry a lot and I hope something can be done. I can't escape the part of the game I dislike the most, and this prevents me from enjoying all the other parts I like. All I'm doing the entire game is skipping on all the cool stuff and rushing to find the next ice or energy crystal asteroid. I would love to be able to delete water and energy rods from the game and play without them.
#51 Just now at this point where I'm writing this, I started playing sandbox mode and I love sandbox mode because it lets me build whatever I want without worrying about resources. Or I can even ignore water and energy crystals and spaceship fuel completely but still focus on gathering resources from abandoned ships. I love it how it helps me play according to my own playstyle and lets me choose what I want to do so I still feel very immersed into the game. I also love how sandbox mode is implemented into the game, basically it's own little menu. I would definitely like sandbox mode to be explanded upon, like being able to directly build or remove ship hull, being able to build or delete any object or machine or any ship part or even anything that exists in the entire game, and being able to place down X1 X10 or X100 of all the items sandbox already allows placing so I don't have to damage my mouse clicking actually 500 times in a row lol.
I would really love the ability to save sections of ships, or even entire ships as blueprints, even ships that I didn't build (like ships others made, or AI/NPC in game ships), or also ships and parts that I also made, and be able to place down the blueprint and build from it. I would also love the ability to place down and instantly build blueprints from sandbox mode menu.
#52 the entire crew never stop feeling minor discomfort or major discomfort.... It's just a constant ongoing thing that happens every single day no matter what. I gave them their own beds, their own rooms, I gave them a nice kitchen with a music machine and arcade games, everything. good air conditioner machines, good temperature. everything. They still have minor discomfort or space suit fatigue. In a game... about space. I'm getting notification fatigue and major notification discomfort. also the never ending pooped pants. They are also always complaining about having a bad environment even in the nice areas of the ship, and they always say they are lonely, even though they're surrounded by their friends and crew members literally 100% of the time.
#53 I have had a few situations where crew members are starving and their health is going down. food is available, but they just don't feel like going to eat.
#54 At one point I was building a new ship at the station/asteroid start option and one of my crew members just suddenly randomly passed away while building the new ship for no reason. They had full oxygen and health and were not starving or anything, but suddenly they were gone. It made no sense at all and I can't imagine how or why it happened so fast, and nothing really seems to have caused it. very strange.
#55 Sometimes when placing walls near each other, instead of combining smoothly they just choose a random unmatched shape and must be rebuilt to fix it.
#56 It would be nice to be able to select multiple doors/vents/airlocks/spacesuit doors and then open/close all the vents or lock/unlock all the doors, maybe even by using the mouse to highlight an area to control those doors specifically.
#57 I would love to be able to build 1x2 blast doors or even 2x2 extra large blast doors, rather than the 1x1 normal doors. (I still like the 1x1 doors they are very nice)
#58 the music and the ambient effects are nice, but it would also be nice to hear some occasional noises from the machines if you're zoomed in close enough, or air noises from the doors or airlocks, or engine sounds from the shuttles or pods, maybe cooking sounds from the kitchen machine, and maybe suffocating noises when the crew run out of air as an early warning system.
#59 I'm starting to notice more and more issues with crew running out of oxygen, but the most strange issue is that they know where to go to get oxygen but they just pretend they don't care and keep walking further and further away from the oxygen source until they can't make it back in time, and then they lay down and can't get back up. If I don't carefully watch my crew, they all pass away.
#60 I notice that when crew are waiting for the shuttle to come pick them up, sometimes they wander very far away from the airlock and just explore the empty abandoned ship even though they already know every room since they just explored and took boxes and items to transfer them, and then they run out of oxygen and need to be rescued.
#39 Another weird thing that happens is when the crew is moving items from one ship to another, if they run out of space to load it up into the airlock, they just stand there for no reason, instead of moving more boxes nearby the airlock to place on the floor. They waste huge amounts of time and effort and it happens very often.
#40 Somtimes the shuttle brings people to another ship, docks, they get out, do nothing, (or don't even get out) and then get back in and fly to the home ship again for no reason around 1-4 times without doing anything (even when there is no cargo to move) and then they finally get out and start doing things.
#41 The shuttle sometimes picks some people up and takes them home, but leaves others behind to do work, even when the shuttle was empty and didn't need to leave, and could have just stayed there and waited another minute.
#42 the shuttle very often flies back and forth from home ship to abandoned ships like 99 million times more than necessary.
#43 shuttles don't always utilize their full cargo capacity
#44 shuttles, when rarely actually filled to 100% are surprisingly not able to carry very much. I think shuttles should be able to carry more cargo. Sometimes my crew spends 4 entire days (space-days in game) salvaging one abandoned ship.
#45 crew does not seem to be able to carry very much cargo/items to the shuttle and they have to run back and forth from every individual item back to the shuttle over and over. This is exhausting and tedious and takes forever. I think crew should be able to carry much more (they should take out little moving wagons) and move from item to item, and then finally take back all the items to the shuttle in one go all at the same time.
#46 on normal speed the crew moves extremely slow so I end up playing the game 99% of the time on the highest speed setting. The problem is that days are incredibly short and the amount of work that can be done in one day is extremely small even with all the correct priorities set up. I think that days should be much much longer because I feel like my crew always has to go to sleep at the worst time possible. They get tired too quickly and space night time comes in what feels like one second after they wake up and they have to sleep for what seems like forever, and it even feels like night lasts four times longer than the day, even on the highest speed setting. It would be nice to watch them sleep for a much shorter amount of time and have them wake up fully refreshed and able to handle a space day that is about 4-5 times longer than what the game currently allows. basically sleep 4-5x shorter, 4-5x shorter night, 7-10x higher rest gained from sleep, and 4-5x longer day. This would make the game much more enjoyable for me. All the time the crew send sleeping is time that I'm not playing the game. I'm just forced to sit and wait and that makes for a less than excellent experience.
#47 Please make extremely in depth modding tools
#48 Please make extremely in depth debug menu/debug tools that don't punish the player for using them in any way
#49 Please make extremely in depth cheat menu that doesn't punish the player for using them in any way
#50 I can not stress it enough, water and ice and energy crystals are so rare and few that by the time I mine what's in an area and try to salvage a ship or two I'm already down to extremely critical low amounts. This pretty much ruins the experience for me. I know it's in alpha, but I worry a lot and I hope something can be done. I can't escape the part of the game I dislike the most, and this prevents me from enjoying all the other parts I like. All I'm doing the entire game is skipping on all the cool stuff and rushing to find the next ice or energy crystal asteroid. I would love to be able to delete water and energy rods from the game and play without them.
#51 Just now at this point where I'm writing this, I started playing sandbox mode and I love sandbox mode because it lets me build whatever I want without worrying about resources. Or I can even ignore water and energy crystals and spaceship fuel completely but still focus on gathering resources from abandoned ships. I love it how it helps me play according to my own playstyle and lets me choose what I want to do so I still feel very immersed into the game. I also love how sandbox mode is implemented into the game, basically it's own little menu. I would definitely like sandbox mode to be explanded upon, like being able to directly build or remove ship hull, being able to build or delete any object or machine or any ship part or even anything that exists in the entire game, and being able to place down X1 X10 or X100 of all the items sandbox already allows placing so I don't have to damage my mouse clicking actually 500 times in a row lol.
I would really love the ability to save sections of ships, or even entire ships as blueprints, even ships that I didn't build (like ships others made, or AI/NPC in game ships), or also ships and parts that I also made, and be able to place down the blueprint and build from it. I would also love the ability to place down and instantly build blueprints from sandbox mode menu.
#52 the entire crew never stop feeling minor discomfort or major discomfort.... It's just a constant ongoing thing that happens every single day no matter what. I gave them their own beds, their own rooms, I gave them a nice kitchen with a music machine and arcade games, everything. good air conditioner machines, good temperature. everything. They still have minor discomfort or space suit fatigue. In a game... about space. I'm getting notification fatigue and major notification discomfort. also the never ending pooped pants. They are also always complaining about having a bad environment even in the nice areas of the ship, and they always say they are lonely, even though they're surrounded by their friends and crew members literally 100% of the time.
#53 I have had a few situations where crew members are starving and their health is going down. food is available, but they just don't feel like going to eat.
#54 At one point I was building a new ship at the station/asteroid start option and one of my crew members just suddenly randomly passed away while building the new ship for no reason. They had full oxygen and health and were not starving or anything, but suddenly they were gone. It made no sense at all and I can't imagine how or why it happened so fast, and nothing really seems to have caused it. very strange.
#55 Sometimes when placing walls near each other, instead of combining smoothly they just choose a random unmatched shape and must be rebuilt to fix it.
#56 It would be nice to be able to select multiple doors/vents/airlocks/spacesuit doors and then open/close all the vents or lock/unlock all the doors, maybe even by using the mouse to highlight an area to control those doors specifically.
#57 I would love to be able to build 1x2 blast doors or even 2x2 extra large blast doors, rather than the 1x1 normal doors. (I still like the 1x1 doors they are very nice)
#58 the music and the ambient effects are nice, but it would also be nice to hear some occasional noises from the machines if you're zoomed in close enough, or air noises from the doors or airlocks, or engine sounds from the shuttles or pods, maybe cooking sounds from the kitchen machine, and maybe suffocating noises when the crew run out of air as an early warning system.
#59 I'm starting to notice more and more issues with crew running out of oxygen, but the most strange issue is that they know where to go to get oxygen but they just pretend they don't care and keep walking further and further away from the oxygen source until they can't make it back in time, and then they lay down and can't get back up. If I don't carefully watch my crew, they all pass away.
#60 I notice that when crew are waiting for the shuttle to come pick them up, sometimes they wander very far away from the airlock and just explore the empty abandoned ship even though they already know every room since they just explored and took boxes and items to transfer them, and then they run out of oxygen and need to be rescued.
This question / problem has been solved by AdmiralGeezer