No interest for this topic? Space Empires is one of the most interesting space 4x series, and while the individual Space Empires games share some more or less superficial communalities, they are also quite different, too - and it's not true that the older games are less good than the newer ones (in this respect, the SE series is similar to the Elder Scrolls series).
Some time ago, the whole SE franchise was sold off to Strategy First, who decided not to sell parts 1 - 3, and apparently have no intention to change this in the future - for whatever reason. Thus the source I mentioned in my first post (through the original developer of the SE series) seems to be the only one to obtain a legal copy of SE 1 - 3 (there is also ebay).
You could say take it or leave it. But I feel it's a shame that good old games are hidden away. Wasn't this the reason to found GOG?
I'm aware that the issue is probably on the financial side. I can't say how many people would buy SE 1 - 3, if GOG decided to offer it. And Strategy First would also want to make some money. But as it stands today, nobody is going to make ANY money with SE 1 - 3, and even a little money is more than nothing, isn't it?
Why not offer SE 1 - 3 (or at least SE3) on GOG?
PS: Just in case you wonder how I know that at least SE 2 and 3 are "Good Old Games" (I don't know SE 1): Well, I said already that I played (and still play) the shareware versions of these games, which are available at the Malfador site. They offer limited functionality (tech levels, ships, etc), but the number of turns is unlimited. Even with the limitations, the games are interesting, but the full versions offer more strategic options and a more diversified gameplay (which is clear from the missing elements).
Post edited November 23, 2013 by Greywolf1