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Heya. I must've been like 13-14 years old when my brother bought this game for me as a birthday gift. Came completely out of the blue, had never heard of this game but it was brand new at the time. I no longer have the physical copy, though, but not that it matters. I used to get a game magazine that would come with demo discs and I do remember the review for this game gave it a score of like 35/100. Soulcalibur got a perfect score! And no, I don't have those magazines anymore either. I have the habit of throwing away old stuff that I don't need anymore. I'm perfectly at piece with just digital copies of games.

Anyway, back to the topic. I must've finished this game like 3 times over the years, and at this point I play it mostly for the nostalgia because the one thing that has always bothered me is the character's movement. Holy crap, does this guy keep getting stuck everywhere and it takes him forever to go anywhere and pick up items. Why must everything be SO slow?

But every time I do replay I always find that it's a really slow start. The only enemies you can more or less safely kill are the redheaded brigands, and the black-haired ones with clubs deal so much damage and usually have way more hp/defence. Then in Ravenscar you're forced to use a clubbed weapon against the skeletons (pretty clever) and the zombies are insanely durable.

So what can I do early on to make it a bit easier? I don't necessarily want to cheat, but if there's an early weapon that I'm not aware of that I could pick up or buy that'd make the start go faster, that'd be cool.

EDIT: It seems like the best option is to just buy the Mace from Hammer as soon as possible and raise combat enough to get the underarm swing. Perfect for taking out all the skeletons and gargoyles in like 2 hits and it'll handle everything else pretty nicely. Scroll of Banishing to take out the Raal in the mines and Scroll of Fireball for Morton and his skeletons. You get the Staff of Lore from him, which you can abuse at the military camp and the 7 Kings Barrows. Only the vampire leaves the pedestal in the room to kill quickly, he's too strong to win in a fair fight and he can heal from fire damage.
Post edited October 05, 2022 by Forgot7en