pauldareason: So, this may seem a odd request but i've been reading a comic called uber set in the world war,in this alternate take on history German gained super soldier first , giving them an almost unbeatable advatage . once the secret formula is leaked all nation have different versions of super soldiers. so.... in a long wind way im asking is there a way i can mod characters within the game to be say , bullet proof or fire proof
Yes you can mod the characters in the game but first you need to save the mission in order to find the save files in the game doc and edit them (occassionaly i use Notepad2 to edit the codes).
So go to the game doc, look for : profiles> your username>save>campaign name or bonus mission>mission name> save name then open the mission.mi files.
There you got tons of lines of codes but to seek what you want to edit faster look for the "search button" with the binoculars icon up the task bar with Notepad2, then write the name of your hero or "hero" in general and then you got something like this for example :
{Human "hero.dittman" 0x8036
{Position 945.486 3253.23 -22.4217}
0.761504 -0.647456 -0.030225
-0.642901 -0.760431 0.091780
0.082408 0.050459 0.995320
{Impregnability} {Extender "vitality"
{Max 200}
{Current 200}
{Extender "inventory"
{item "mp41" {cell 0 0}}
{item "ammo pistol" 100 {cell 4 0}}
{item "ammo pistol" 100 {cell 6 0}}
{item "grenade m24" {cell 4 1}}
{item "grenade m24" {cell 6 1}}
{item "grenade smoke" {cell 4 2}}
{item "grenade smoke" {cell 5 2}}
{item "bandage" 5 {cell 6 2}}
{item "grenade m24x5" {cell 2 2}}
{item "grenade m39" {cell 0 2}}
{Player 2}
{MID 53}
{MovementSpeed 1.11111}
{NameId 122 37}
{FsmState "board"}
Finally you add the "{Impregnability}" function in bold just above wich disable all projectiles from hitting the said human or object then save the mission.mi files, load the game there you got your ubersoldat.
Unfortunately i didn't found a way to automatically put this function in every mission save file you have to edit them manually everytime. This function can be also applied to vehicles as well.