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high rated

I wanted to share that I successfully run Solasta on Linux (Mint Linux 20.2 and Zorin OS 16) with Crossover version 20
And I want to share that Unity Mod Manager works on Linux as well. So you can enjoy multiclassing and various other classes.

The checkboxes on UMM seems to become just black vertical line though.
Just to add my chime about running Solasta on Linux :
It installs and works flawlessly using Lutris

I'm using Linux Mint 20
Solasta - Problem Solved:

- Installation via Lutris works. If you're using the GOG version log into your GOG account on Lutris before installing. I downloaded the game files from the GOG website using a download manager because the download kept failing mid way through.

- The error I encountered when running the game from Lutris was the following:

Couldn't switch to requested monitor resolution

Switching to resolution 1920x1080 failed
Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1920x1080 fs=1 hz=0)

- I successfully got the game to run instead simply by executing it through wine from a terminal like so (crappy solution):

wine "/home/<your_username>/Games/gog/solasta-crown-of-the-magister/drive_c/GOG Games/Solasta Crown of the Magister/Solasta.exe"

^ I played the game this way for hours and everything worked. I never experienced any crashes and ran the game at max graphics settings. However, the graphics were slow, like when moving characters or scrolling through the world with WASD, etc. I found it perfectly playable though it sucked, you know?

- I tried to improve things just now and apparently got it working just right. Here's how (good solution):

1. Lutris => Solasta => Configure => System Options => Show Advanced Options:

Check: Enable NVIDIA Prime Render Offload
Uncheck: Use Discreet Graphics

2. Copy the Characters and Saves folders over to Lutris game location (if you played the game from the terminal the way I did from another directory location):

From: /home/<your_username>/.wine/drive_c/users/<your_username>/AppData/LocalLow/Tactical Adventures/Solasta
To: /home/<your_username>/Games/gog/solasta-crown-of-the-magister/drive_c/users/<your_username>/AppDat a/LocalLow/Tactical Adventures/Solasta

3. Run the game through Lutris and hear your liquid cooling roar as the game loads quickly and graphics are perfect.

Note: Nvidia RTX 2080TI, Linux Mint, default graphics driver nvidia-driver-525

Use lutris-GE-Proton7-1-x86_64 Wine version in Runner Options. You can install this in Lutris=>Preferences=>Runners=>Wine
Post edited March 11, 2023 by VstreetKid