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Samurai Shodown 5 Special, like all SNK Neo-Geo fighting games, is an input-reading fighting game, meaning that the CPU will read your inputs, then counter with predetermined movements, attacks, or a combination of both. Fortunately however, this also means that the programmers did not program a counter to every movement, attack, or combination of both that you could ever use against the CPU.

As a result, your path to victory over the CPU will consist of baiting the CPU into reacting incorrectly to your movements, attacks, and combos. Once you bait the wrong reaction from the CPU, you can often spam your own attacks repeatedly until you win.

Although the quoted section below is for the boss characters, you can also find additional strategies for the other characters in that gamefaqs strategy guide as well.

Courtesy of user tcchip82 from

To finish the game, view the end credits and enter your initials, you must fight and defeat all four bosses (Amakusa, Zankuro, Gaoh and Mizuki). You MUST kill off Amakusa, Zankuro and Gaoh either with a Zetsumei Ougi or get an Issen to connect (WFTs do not count). If not, you will just see that boss' death scene and the game ends there.

With Mizuki, you can beat her any way you want and still view the end credits.


- Amakusa is the first boss you encounter. Compared with his SS4 incarnation,
this version is a breeze.
- Amakusa fights pretty defensively, using his Oumagatoki (qcf/qcb+C) to get
out of close situations. He will also Deflect you if you use ground Slashes
too often.
- There is no cheap way to beat Amakusa, but he is fairly slow, so being
aggressive with jump-ins work well. He tends to use a far/crouching Slash
or his Shiryou Ha at a distance, which leaves him open to attacks if they
- Be careful about jumping when Amakusa is close to you as he'll use a close
standing AB which works pretty well as an anti-air.
- Killing Amakusa with a Zetsumei Ougi is pretty easy as he won't block it.
Just be sure to launch it fairly near him so that he can't jump over it.
- Harleyquin notes that you should not use the Issen on its own against
CPU Amakusa, as he tends use the Oumagatoki to get out of the way.


- Zankuro is the second boss you encounter, after Amakusa.
- Zankuro may have been toned down from his SS3/SS4 versions, but he's still
the toughest of the 4 bosses. He's nowhere near as tough as in SS3 though.
- NEVER throw out a random Slash against Zankuro, be it near or far as he'll
either use a Deflecting or a Fudou to counter you.
- Do NOT jump against Zankuro either, or you'll be eating his crouching or
close AB. If he's Raged, never jump backwards as he'll launch his WFT.
- You can't turtle against Zankuro, as he'll use low kicks, overheads and
throws if you keep blocking. If you try to jump out of the way, he'll use
a crouching AB. Poking him with Slashes to keep him away will most likely
get Deflected or reversed by his Fudou.
- You won't get many chances to Deflect Zankuro, except maybe at the start of
the round where he MAY (or may not) open a round with a far AB. The CPU
Zankuro won't Slash you if you turtle, and will simply stalk you and try to
throw you.
- There is a sure-fire way to beat Zankuro, but it's not for the faint of
heart or inexperienced. Get close to him (just outside throw distance) then
dash forward with a forward hop (f+D). If you did it right, Zankuro should
launch a near/far/crouching AB, but you'll dodge it and end up behind him.
Your distance and timing has to be good for this trick to work. If you
screw up, you'll definitely get hit by one of his AB Slashes.
- Harleyquin also added that the trick with Zankuro works better if you let
him stalk you and get within throwing distance before you hop behind him.
If it hits or is blocked, Zankuro should either try to move in with another
throw or simply Slash you. If he Slashes, it's a perfect opportunity to use
a Deflecting.
- Beating Zankuro is hard, but thankfully killing him is easy. He won't block
your Zetsumei Ougi, though he may jump away or hit you if you did it from a

- Gaoh is the 3rd boss you fight, after Amakusa and Zankuro. Don't worry,
he can't turn to Ankiou anymore. :) If you're wondering what happened to
Ankiou's stage, use a Rage Explosion.
- Gaoh is the easiest of the 4 bosses IMO. Since his polearm has such long
range, it's pretty easy to Deflect him. Killing him is another matter, as
Gaoh is the only boss smart enough to block your Zetsumei Ougi. Either
Deflect him when up close and perform the ZO, or disarm him and launch the
ZO when he's picking up his weapon. You have to be pretty close though.
- Otherwise, just Meditate away all your Rage Energy, lose a round on purpose
then use the Mu No Kyouchi and Issen him to death.
- More often than not, Gaoh'll perform the Oboro Bayashi if you mistimed your
Deflection. Still, you can Deflect this move. :)
- To beat him, just keep jumping at him with Slashes if your character has
good air-to-ground Slashes. Done right, you can hit Gaoh before he launches
his Kabuto Goma. Otherwise, just jump outside of the range of his Kabuto
Goma to lure him into using it, then hit him while he's vulnerable.

- Mizuki is the final boss of the game, so if you've made it this far, you
shouldn't have any trouble beating her. In other words, I'm gonna be lazy
and skip this one. :)
- Alright then, just one tip: The CPU Mizuki tends to open the round with a
crouching AB. What you choose to do about it is up to you. :)
Post edited July 09, 2022 by TheBigCore