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I don't know if this is specific to the latest patch but there is absolutely no sound on Mac (Mojave).

I also find the ergonomic of the UI dubious. For example after a change in the controller settings, the expected way to validate those changes is to press the "Cancel" button, which makes no sense. That button should instead revert the changes.

A better UX would be to systematically have "Validate" or "Back" entries on pages instead of having to "Cancel" to leave them.
Also, on Mac, it's impossible to leave the game while using the keyboard or controller, which is a huge pain.
Sure, there's a menu but games with a "Quit" entry on their main UI work just as fine and are more practical.

Having to fight the UI every time I come back to play does not entice me to play the game.
gogniaow: I don't know if this is specific to the latest patch but there is absolutely no sound on Mac (Mojave).

I also find the ergonomic of the UI dubious. For example after a change in the controller settings, the expected way to validate those changes is to press the "Cancel" button, which makes no sense. That button should instead revert the changes.

A better UX would be to systematically have "Validate" or "Back" entries on pages instead of having to "Cancel" to leave them.
Also, on Mac, it's impossible to leave the game while using the keyboard or controller, which is a huge pain.
Sure, there's a menu but games with a "Quit" entry on their main UI work just as fine and are more practical.

Having to fight the UI every time I come back to play does not entice me to play the game.
I'm having the same issue, also no icon for the application. Did anything help for you?