coffeegator: Seems like choosing some of the recommended resolutions makes the game work, but the FPS are a bit lower so maybe I'm having too high of a resolution still?
Maybe - the game seems to have some performance issues in certain areas (eg. the sewer levels).
I'm not sure if there's a significant performance difference between the (modified) D3D renderer and nGlide.
coffeegator: But the bigger issue for me is that the game's displayed in a window or something, surrounded by the typical Windows 8 window frames and it's pretty distracting when I prefer to play in full screen.
Hmm, windowed mode isn't enabled in your szOptions.ini - might be a compatibility issue with Windows 8 and the D3D renderer.
Using nGlide bypasses many of the compatibility issues and limitations of Slave Zero's D3D renderer.
You might not be able to use bump-mapping or true color textures, but overall it's more reliable (on modern PCs), avoids the offset crosshair / broken lock-on bug, and allows you to do crazy stuff like
running Slave Zero at 3840x2160 :D (pillarboxed to 4:3) [3.2MB image]
....or you could go a step beyond crazy and run it at 7680x4320 (which I think might be the highest resolution supported by nGlide) using GeDoSaTo