Drerhu: I don´t know if I´m allowed to post this here...but here you have!
http://www.fileplanet.com/156410/150000/fileinfo/Sin---Soundtrack-Remix Like the description says, Sin have a dinamic OST...so this guy fit (really well, in my humble opinion) the OST of the game (tranquil themes with combat themes).
I must acredit him (Madmax) since he did that work, but totally freeware and of course, respecting RItual´s rights : )
Enjoy it! (I would love to know if Gog could add this in the future to the download page, since isn´t related to Fileplanet anymore and it´s totally freeware)
Although that particular page you've linked to does exist, following the download link comes up broken. It doesn't state 404 not found, but instead a cannot display webpage message. Anything for download.fileplanet.com gives the same message.