tinyE: I'm still getting my ass kicked here and as nice as subways are, they are so damn expensive!
Is it really that big of a difference that I should forsake the financial ease of trains for the convenience of subways?
AND PLEASE anyone who has anything to say or ask about transit in this game POST IT HERE! :D
I put some of my thoughts
here. Subways are useful once you've run out of tiles. The tracks are expensive to build, and every five sections of track cost $1 a month in upkeep. But because you're replacing rails, that's five tiles you free up aboveground, which can easily make you more than $1 a month in revenue.
You can build subways earlier, but it will slow the growth of your city because the tracks are so expensive. Although you get access to subways very early, they're actually a late-game feature. But the early invention of subways is useful for giving you access to better train stations.
You can actually build a functional city on roads and buses alone. You need to plan your zones like a sandwich. Residential zones need access to both industrial and commercial zones, so residential zones go in the middle layer to minimise travel distances to the other zones. This also divides your traffic in two directions instead of forcing every sim along the same route. You can turn your main streets into boulevards to support the load of traffic. You can build T-junctions to reduce congestion. You can remove sections of road to divert the flow of traffic.
As for your follow-up questions, I let the city grow organically and then go back to improve the older parts of the city. This often means demolishing sections at a time to put up new zones and infrastructure. Once you hit about 80,000 population, the money just rolls in and you can afford to revitalise downtown.