Posted January 13, 2025
Time to make one for this too.
So the intro's story is some Mr. Silver was rude, so his wife cheated on him with Mr. Nemesis, and something-something.
Now the Emperor is taking new wives, and all female from your settlment is taken.
You can click away dialogues with leftclick, which'll sometimes result in loss of story-dialogue, but nothing important. Probably.
You can also move the screen is applicable by the direction-button. No, you can not move your character with buttons. And it walks very slowly. And does not regenerate health. but first: double-clicking on the floor will make ir RUN, and that's neat.
On the other hand clicking on the character just wastes your time, and a lot of times the enemy will be behind your character-texture and stuff, so you should learn all those "special" swordswinging move for those sinatnces. Otherwise you CAN click on enemies attacking them like in Diablo, but you'll have soon trouble with this. More on that later.
In your house you'll be able to pick up an apple, a sword and a shield. The game will offer different dialogue if you wear the shield or not, but both method uses the same control, so whatever.
You fight 2 soldier. Lure them colse to Grandpa, who has infinite HP. Oh, yeah, during the training-battle against Grandpa you do not loose HP, so don't worry.
You have a health-bar, which actualy translates to more than 1 life. It has green, yellow, orange and red. Do NOT consume ood until you run into the red. Definitely not yet. Food is the only way to regain HP, and it does not respawn. Eating during combat is hard, so avoid if possible.
On the next screen you fight 3 soldiers.
And on the next 3-4, not sure. Try to let Grandpa take the most heat. Note: despite the character having a level, it does not have exp, so it's mostly meaningless. Oh, and a bit further on the screen you fight another 3.
Another note: until you beat every enemy on a screen, you can not leave the screen.
As you walk back towards your house notice the levitating man in the alcove. He is your saving point. Once you used him to save, he"ll vanish.
You are heading to the castle. At the gate you fight 2 soldiers.
The courtyard is special compared to what we had until now: 4*2 slodiers will come, and there will be a vendor, who sells food: appel, carrot, bread and cheese. You have 56 gold at this point, but there's not much reason to spend any for the moment.
For data sake you also have an old sword, 3 wooden shield, 1 healing potion and 4 apples (if you did not consume any).
And now we can save again on the next screen.
On the next screen you must make a choice: either stand and fight, or run through the gateway. As the soldiers here respawn staying just wastes your resources, so run.
Soon you'll have your first "choose your path" fake choice. You can enter the cave for a quick joke, but nothing really comes out of it, so go left.
In the Rebel Camp on the left there are 2 male dueling. Talk with them to learn the Web of Death.
Now that we have our way to light the darkness head to the cave and SAVE.
Next time we have to "save" The Professor from a horde of imps. I don't think this can be failed, but whatever, the imps fortunately do not focus on US, and Grandpa is even willing to walk around hunting the buggers. The problem with imps is, they like to walk around, making it hard to land a hit.
Now there is a magicaly sealed door, a locked door that requires a golden key, leaving us the third option the only way forward.
Soo you'll see the Yellow Imp the first time, it'll always run away, don't bother. But it'll show you which way is "forward", so keep that in mind. Now SAVE.
The next room is an ambush of a horde of imps. Try to not get carried away, and let Grandpa work.
The next room again has a lot of imps, 2 standing on the top of some bookshelf. One of them usualy comes down, but the other stay up there. You'll get a sling in this room, and you must use it on the ranged goblin to be able to progress. It's a good beginner-weapon against the imps as it is ranged, so spares you the hassle of running after the buggers.
In the next room we fight a single imp for a chest. It does not worth trying the slingshot. SAVE.
Next room that slingshot will look very appealing, as the enemies there are FLYING.
Next room follow the imps and their target. Inside aim for the funny-looking imp: it is a spawner, so get rid of it ASAP.
/ate a bread at this point/
Equip the slingshot, and backtrack to where the imps came from. If you are fast enough you only have to pick off the two on the top of the shelf (click each once), otherwise more imps will arrive on the floor.
Next room is another summoner and a chest. Next room has another chest, and SAVE.
Now we must rescue the Yellow Imp. We definitely CAN fail this mission, which would mean the loos of some extra area, fight and reward.
Btw, if you did not figure out until now: the directions you have to swipe your mouse for moves is to the screen, not to the character!
It is not mandatory to follow the imp even if you rescued it, but let's do so now. In the next room are 2 berserker-imp so they hit hard. And there is no room to manouver, so just eat the damage. Or learn to block dammit. But for that this fight is too far from the last savepoint, and with the imp-saving and stuff it is just a bother.
In the next room when you open the chest you'll face an imp ambush, then a SAVE appears.
USE that save, because the next encounter is the Yellow Imp turned itself a miniboss. It has stomping, and stomping with its club, and Grandpa will NOT help you here, he runs away, and if you try to get there the imp will spit after you, and it will hurt.
Continuing the journey proper will meet a gnome magician, following him leads to a chest. IF YOU OPEN THE CHEST there is no return to the Yellow Imp anymore, so if you did not go for its loot yet, this is your last chance. In this chest is a "magic wand", which is a ranged buff on your sword. The way wands work juding from this is, you can shoot a couple of projectiles from it (1-3, depending on the time you did not use your weapon), then it has to recharge. So it is a good idea to have this "equipped" - unless told otherwise.
Wand-projectiles are going straight-lines unlike ranged-weapon-projectiles which seem to be artillery (so you can shoot thing with them behind barricades).
Next thing you know Grandpa does an Obi Wan Kenobi, and now you are alone on your quest. I think judging from previous encounters they roght thing to do is RUN. Note: though we are back at the entrance, we again do not have any Golden Key, so, you know, illusion of choices.
Next room there is a berserker a level below you - you can shoot it down from here now - do so. You'll be glad you don it in a second. Then you have to make a choice, go right, because there's only an empty corridor there with a loot.
There is a courtyard next, and you should pike off the goblin with the horn, that's for sure. You can shoot down the rest at your leisure. The Cronicer (SAVE) appears, but DO NOT save yet if I may, instead go right. Prepare for fight with those flying imps. As you have the "magic wand" I'd stick to the sword, and the wand-magic hurts harder, and also: the sword cAN hit these buggers IF you use a move. It can't if you just click on these as target, but if you swing, it hits. There is a horn-imp running through, but I could never hit it, so had to fight more flying imps. Go right, and that's where the sole berserker was - and a chest still is.
SAVE now, because the next fight is hard. There are 3 imp initialy in the room, and no matter what you do, more will appear soon from both entrance of the room, and that mob includes 2 berserker. So you'll probably will need to heal after the room - but first you must survive of course.
Then you descend by just going to the end of the next room. Then visit the room the imps come out of for a conversation and a Silver Key.
Then comes a cave where you can spare a LOT of HP just by waiting your wand to recharge, and use than on the earth-elementals. SAVE
The next room is an arena with 4 earth-elemental and a resurrecting-imp. It does not summon thing to refill the ranks, it resurrects. And it is invisible, so you only can hit it when it becomes tangible while resurrecting a golem. You'll get hurt here hard. Then go to the right, make the talks, use the Silver Key on the door to get a Chaos Potion (whatever that is), then leave to the left (BEWARE, your wand got disabled for some reason, so reactivate it!) to encounter more earth elementals. The next cave will have 2 elemental right at the doorway, so heal up before entering, and do not rush forward, else you'll activate another pair. At the bottom of this room SAVE, because the next room is the first BOSS.
You should use "the wand" on the boss, and hide behind the stone at the entrance. You can only hurt it when it summons imps to replace it already summoned (maximum 2), or when it starts to shoot some fireball (one big or two smaller). Hitting it any other times will be blocked. It also floats, so you can not melee it. When defeating it you get a levelup, which means a full heal and some statboost even.
To get further go to the front of the telescope, and despite no indication you can, click on its control panel.
Then "follow" the others, fight 2 soldiers (every walkthrough says you should take away the bow of the archer you got as companion - or should we say: liability) then finaly you can SAVE.
apple - 20 HP
carrot: 40 HP
bread: 60 HP
cheese: 80 HP
So the intro's story is some Mr. Silver was rude, so his wife cheated on him with Mr. Nemesis, and something-something.
Now the Emperor is taking new wives, and all female from your settlment is taken.
You can click away dialogues with leftclick, which'll sometimes result in loss of story-dialogue, but nothing important. Probably.
You can also move the screen is applicable by the direction-button. No, you can not move your character with buttons. And it walks very slowly. And does not regenerate health. but first: double-clicking on the floor will make ir RUN, and that's neat.
On the other hand clicking on the character just wastes your time, and a lot of times the enemy will be behind your character-texture and stuff, so you should learn all those "special" swordswinging move for those sinatnces. Otherwise you CAN click on enemies attacking them like in Diablo, but you'll have soon trouble with this. More on that later.
In your house you'll be able to pick up an apple, a sword and a shield. The game will offer different dialogue if you wear the shield or not, but both method uses the same control, so whatever.
You fight 2 soldier. Lure them colse to Grandpa, who has infinite HP. Oh, yeah, during the training-battle against Grandpa you do not loose HP, so don't worry.
You have a health-bar, which actualy translates to more than 1 life. It has green, yellow, orange and red. Do NOT consume ood until you run into the red. Definitely not yet. Food is the only way to regain HP, and it does not respawn. Eating during combat is hard, so avoid if possible.
On the next screen you fight 3 soldiers.
And on the next 3-4, not sure. Try to let Grandpa take the most heat. Note: despite the character having a level, it does not have exp, so it's mostly meaningless. Oh, and a bit further on the screen you fight another 3.
Another note: until you beat every enemy on a screen, you can not leave the screen.
As you walk back towards your house notice the levitating man in the alcove. He is your saving point. Once you used him to save, he"ll vanish.
You are heading to the castle. At the gate you fight 2 soldiers.
The courtyard is special compared to what we had until now: 4*2 slodiers will come, and there will be a vendor, who sells food: appel, carrot, bread and cheese. You have 56 gold at this point, but there's not much reason to spend any for the moment.
For data sake you also have an old sword, 3 wooden shield, 1 healing potion and 4 apples (if you did not consume any).
And now we can save again on the next screen.
On the next screen you must make a choice: either stand and fight, or run through the gateway. As the soldiers here respawn staying just wastes your resources, so run.
Soon you'll have your first "choose your path" fake choice. You can enter the cave for a quick joke, but nothing really comes out of it, so go left.
In the Rebel Camp on the left there are 2 male dueling. Talk with them to learn the Web of Death.
Now that we have our way to light the darkness head to the cave and SAVE.
Next time we have to "save" The Professor from a horde of imps. I don't think this can be failed, but whatever, the imps fortunately do not focus on US, and Grandpa is even willing to walk around hunting the buggers. The problem with imps is, they like to walk around, making it hard to land a hit.
Now there is a magicaly sealed door, a locked door that requires a golden key, leaving us the third option the only way forward.
Soo you'll see the Yellow Imp the first time, it'll always run away, don't bother. But it'll show you which way is "forward", so keep that in mind. Now SAVE.
The next room is an ambush of a horde of imps. Try to not get carried away, and let Grandpa work.
The next room again has a lot of imps, 2 standing on the top of some bookshelf. One of them usualy comes down, but the other stay up there. You'll get a sling in this room, and you must use it on the ranged goblin to be able to progress. It's a good beginner-weapon against the imps as it is ranged, so spares you the hassle of running after the buggers.
In the next room we fight a single imp for a chest. It does not worth trying the slingshot. SAVE.
Next room that slingshot will look very appealing, as the enemies there are FLYING.
Next room follow the imps and their target. Inside aim for the funny-looking imp: it is a spawner, so get rid of it ASAP.
/ate a bread at this point/
Equip the slingshot, and backtrack to where the imps came from. If you are fast enough you only have to pick off the two on the top of the shelf (click each once), otherwise more imps will arrive on the floor.
Next room is another summoner and a chest. Next room has another chest, and SAVE.
Now we must rescue the Yellow Imp. We definitely CAN fail this mission, which would mean the loos of some extra area, fight and reward.
Btw, if you did not figure out until now: the directions you have to swipe your mouse for moves is to the screen, not to the character!
It is not mandatory to follow the imp even if you rescued it, but let's do so now. In the next room are 2 berserker-imp so they hit hard. And there is no room to manouver, so just eat the damage. Or learn to block dammit. But for that this fight is too far from the last savepoint, and with the imp-saving and stuff it is just a bother.
In the next room when you open the chest you'll face an imp ambush, then a SAVE appears.
USE that save, because the next encounter is the Yellow Imp turned itself a miniboss. It has stomping, and stomping with its club, and Grandpa will NOT help you here, he runs away, and if you try to get there the imp will spit after you, and it will hurt.
Continuing the journey proper will meet a gnome magician, following him leads to a chest. IF YOU OPEN THE CHEST there is no return to the Yellow Imp anymore, so if you did not go for its loot yet, this is your last chance. In this chest is a "magic wand", which is a ranged buff on your sword. The way wands work juding from this is, you can shoot a couple of projectiles from it (1-3, depending on the time you did not use your weapon), then it has to recharge. So it is a good idea to have this "equipped" - unless told otherwise.
Wand-projectiles are going straight-lines unlike ranged-weapon-projectiles which seem to be artillery (so you can shoot thing with them behind barricades).
Next thing you know Grandpa does an Obi Wan Kenobi, and now you are alone on your quest. I think judging from previous encounters they roght thing to do is RUN. Note: though we are back at the entrance, we again do not have any Golden Key, so, you know, illusion of choices.
Next room there is a berserker a level below you - you can shoot it down from here now - do so. You'll be glad you don it in a second. Then you have to make a choice, go right, because there's only an empty corridor there with a loot.
There is a courtyard next, and you should pike off the goblin with the horn, that's for sure. You can shoot down the rest at your leisure. The Cronicer (SAVE) appears, but DO NOT save yet if I may, instead go right. Prepare for fight with those flying imps. As you have the "magic wand" I'd stick to the sword, and the wand-magic hurts harder, and also: the sword cAN hit these buggers IF you use a move. It can't if you just click on these as target, but if you swing, it hits. There is a horn-imp running through, but I could never hit it, so had to fight more flying imps. Go right, and that's where the sole berserker was - and a chest still is.
SAVE now, because the next fight is hard. There are 3 imp initialy in the room, and no matter what you do, more will appear soon from both entrance of the room, and that mob includes 2 berserker. So you'll probably will need to heal after the room - but first you must survive of course.
Then you descend by just going to the end of the next room. Then visit the room the imps come out of for a conversation and a Silver Key.
Then comes a cave where you can spare a LOT of HP just by waiting your wand to recharge, and use than on the earth-elementals. SAVE
The next room is an arena with 4 earth-elemental and a resurrecting-imp. It does not summon thing to refill the ranks, it resurrects. And it is invisible, so you only can hit it when it becomes tangible while resurrecting a golem. You'll get hurt here hard. Then go to the right, make the talks, use the Silver Key on the door to get a Chaos Potion (whatever that is), then leave to the left (BEWARE, your wand got disabled for some reason, so reactivate it!) to encounter more earth elementals. The next cave will have 2 elemental right at the doorway, so heal up before entering, and do not rush forward, else you'll activate another pair. At the bottom of this room SAVE, because the next room is the first BOSS.
You should use "the wand" on the boss, and hide behind the stone at the entrance. You can only hurt it when it summons imps to replace it already summoned (maximum 2), or when it starts to shoot some fireball (one big or two smaller). Hitting it any other times will be blocked. It also floats, so you can not melee it. When defeating it you get a levelup, which means a full heal and some statboost even.
To get further go to the front of the telescope, and despite no indication you can, click on its control panel.
Then "follow" the others, fight 2 soldiers (every walkthrough says you should take away the bow of the archer you got as companion - or should we say: liability) then finaly you can SAVE.
apple - 20 HP
carrot: 40 HP
bread: 60 HP
cheese: 80 HP
Post edited January 14, 2025 by twillight