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Time to make one for this too.
So the intro's story is some Mr. Silver was rude, so his wife cheated on him with Mr. Nemesis, and something-something.
Now the Emperor is taking new wives, and all female from your settlment is taken.

You can click away dialogues with leftclick, which'll sometimes result in loss of story-dialogue, but nothing important. Probably.

You can also move the screen is applicable by the direction-button. No, you can not move your character with buttons. And it walks very slowly. And does not regenerate health. but first: double-clicking on the floor will make ir RUN, and that's neat.
On the other hand clicking on the character just wastes your time, and a lot of times the enemy will be behind your character-texture and stuff, so you should learn all those "special" swordswinging move for those sinatnces. Otherwise you CAN click on enemies attacking them like in Diablo, but you'll have soon trouble with this. More on that later.

In your house you'll be able to pick up an apple, a sword and a shield. The game will offer different dialogue if you wear the shield or not, but both method uses the same control, so whatever.
You fight 2 soldier. Lure them colse to Grandpa, who has infinite HP. Oh, yeah, during the training-battle against Grandpa you do not loose HP, so don't worry.
You have a health-bar, which actualy translates to more than 1 life. It has green, yellow, orange and red. Do NOT consume ood until you run into the red. Definitely not yet. Food is the only way to regain HP, and it does not respawn. Eating during combat is hard, so avoid if possible.

On the next screen you fight 3 soldiers.
And on the next 3-4, not sure. Try to let Grandpa take the most heat. Note: despite the character having a level, it does not have exp, so it's mostly meaningless. Oh, and a bit further on the screen you fight another 3.
Another note: until you beat every enemy on a screen, you can not leave the screen.

As you walk back towards your house notice the levitating man in the alcove. He is your saving point. Once you used him to save, he"ll vanish.

You are heading to the castle. At the gate you fight 2 soldiers.
The courtyard is special compared to what we had until now: 4*2 slodiers will come, and there will be a vendor, who sells food: appel, carrot, bread and cheese. You have 56 gold at this point, but there's not much reason to spend any for the moment.
For data sake you also have an old sword, 3 wooden shield, 1 healing potion and 4 apples (if you did not consume any).
And now we can save again on the next screen.

On the next screen you must make a choice: either stand and fight, or run through the gateway. As the soldiers here respawn staying just wastes your resources, so run.
Soon you'll have your first "choose your path" fake choice. You can enter the cave for a quick joke, but nothing really comes out of it, so go left.
In the Rebel Camp on the left there are 2 male dueling. Talk with them to learn the Web of Death.
Now that we have our way to light the darkness head to the cave and SAVE.

Next time we have to "save" The Professor from a horde of imps. I don't think this can be failed, but whatever, the imps fortunately do not focus on US, and Grandpa is even willing to walk around hunting the buggers. The problem with imps is, they like to walk around, making it hard to land a hit.
Now there is a magicaly sealed door, a locked door that requires a golden key, leaving us the third option the only way forward.
Soo you'll see the Yellow Imp the first time, it'll always run away, don't bother. But it'll show you which way is "forward", so keep that in mind. Now SAVE.

The next room is an ambush of a horde of imps. Try to not get carried away, and let Grandpa work.
The next room again has a lot of imps, 2 standing on the top of some bookshelf. One of them usualy comes down, but the other stay up there. You'll get a sling in this room, and you must use it on the ranged goblin to be able to progress. It's a good beginner-weapon against the imps as it is ranged, so spares you the hassle of running after the buggers.
In the next room we fight a single imp for a chest. It does not worth trying the slingshot. SAVE.

Next room that slingshot will look very appealing, as the enemies there are FLYING.
Next room follow the imps and their target. Inside aim for the funny-looking imp: it is a spawner, so get rid of it ASAP.
/ate a bread at this point/
Equip the slingshot, and backtrack to where the imps came from. If you are fast enough you only have to pick off the two on the top of the shelf (click each once), otherwise more imps will arrive on the floor.
Next room is another summoner and a chest. Next room has another chest, and SAVE.

Now we must rescue the Yellow Imp. We definitely CAN fail this mission, which would mean the loos of some extra area, fight and reward.
Btw, if you did not figure out until now: the directions you have to swipe your mouse for moves is to the screen, not to the character!
It is not mandatory to follow the imp even if you rescued it, but let's do so now. In the next room are 2 berserker-imp so they hit hard. And there is no room to manouver, so just eat the damage. Or learn to block dammit. But for that this fight is too far from the last savepoint, and with the imp-saving and stuff it is just a bother.
In the next room when you open the chest you'll face an imp ambush, then a SAVE appears.
USE that save, because the next encounter is the Yellow Imp turned itself a miniboss. It has stomping, and stomping with its club, and Grandpa will NOT help you here, he runs away, and if you try to get there the imp will spit after you, and it will hurt.
Continuing the journey proper will meet a gnome magician, following him leads to a chest. IF YOU OPEN THE CHEST there is no return to the Yellow Imp anymore, so if you did not go for its loot yet, this is your last chance. In this chest is a "magic wand", which is a ranged buff on your sword. The way wands work juding from this is, you can shoot a couple of projectiles from it (1-3, depending on the time you did not use your weapon), then it has to recharge. So it is a good idea to have this "equipped" - unless told otherwise.
Wand-projectiles are going straight-lines unlike ranged-weapon-projectiles which seem to be artillery (so you can shoot thing with them behind barricades).
Next thing you know Grandpa does an Obi Wan Kenobi, and now you are alone on your quest. I think judging from previous encounters they roght thing to do is RUN. Note: though we are back at the entrance, we again do not have any Golden Key, so, you know, illusion of choices.
Next room there is a berserker a level below you - you can shoot it down from here now - do so. You'll be glad you don it in a second. Then you have to make a choice, go right, because there's only an empty corridor there with a loot.
There is a courtyard next, and you should pike off the goblin with the horn, that's for sure. You can shoot down the rest at your leisure. The Cronicer (SAVE) appears, but DO NOT save yet if I may, instead go right. Prepare for fight with those flying imps. As you have the "magic wand" I'd stick to the sword, and the wand-magic hurts harder, and also: the sword cAN hit these buggers IF you use a move. It can't if you just click on these as target, but if you swing, it hits. There is a horn-imp running through, but I could never hit it, so had to fight more flying imps. Go right, and that's where the sole berserker was - and a chest still is.

SAVE now, because the next fight is hard. There are 3 imp initialy in the room, and no matter what you do, more will appear soon from both entrance of the room, and that mob includes 2 berserker. So you'll probably will need to heal after the room - but first you must survive of course.
Then you descend by just going to the end of the next room. Then visit the room the imps come out of for a conversation and a Silver Key.
Then comes a cave where you can spare a LOT of HP just by waiting your wand to recharge, and use than on the earth-elementals. SAVE

The next room is an arena with 4 earth-elemental and a resurrecting-imp. It does not summon thing to refill the ranks, it resurrects. And it is invisible, so you only can hit it when it becomes tangible while resurrecting a golem. You'll get hurt here hard. Then go to the right, make the talks, use the Silver Key on the door to get a Chaos Potion (whatever that is), then leave to the left (BEWARE, your wand got disabled for some reason, so reactivate it!) to encounter more earth elementals. The next cave will have 2 elemental right at the doorway, so heal up before entering, and do not rush forward, else you'll activate another pair. At the bottom of this room SAVE, because the next room is the first BOSS.
You should use "the wand" on the boss, and hide behind the stone at the entrance. You can only hurt it when it summons imps to replace it already summoned (maximum 2), or when it starts to shoot some fireball (one big or two smaller). Hitting it any other times will be blocked. It also floats, so you can not melee it. When defeating it you get a levelup, which means a full heal and some statboost even.

To get further go to the front of the telescope, and despite no indication you can, click on its control panel.
Then "follow" the others, fight 2 soldiers (every walkthrough says you should take away the bow of the archer you got as companion - or should we say: liability) then finaly you can SAVE.

apple - 20 HP
carrot: 40 HP
bread: 60 HP
cheese: 80 HP
Post edited January 14, 2025 by twillight
Next is a complicated section, which'd be worth exploring IF there would be an exp-system. Lacking that I instead create a map which direction worth investigating, and to the heck with everything else. Seriously, why waste your resources fighting enemy and rescuing people if there's no benefit in it for you, right?

So from the last SAVE you can only go to an intersection. Before entering this all guides suggest you remove the bow from the companion and give it the sword. I think that's risky and try the slingshot instead, but whatever, right? A bit of a hint here: if any of your party-member runs out of HP, nothing is lost. It'll be incapacitated, but as long as any of the partymembers have HP left, you'll be able to continue.
Going "north" will lead to 2 screens you can fight, the trick being there will always be archer on top roofs-and-stuff. The only thing you can get from this is a lot of HP lost, and MAYBE a couple of arrows. On the bow you'll see a not-filled circle like you are missing something. It looks the same as the wand's timer. This in case of the bow represents the fullness of the quiver.
To the "east" there is an obvious ambush-encounter, where you again need ranged weapons to eliminate all enemies. There is a secret one too, in the window facing directly you, the player. You get some arrows here too. No idea why would yu want those, but there.
Now the actual progress is to "south" which leads to a junction with a left/right choice, a couple of guard fighting rebels (so the initial 3 is held up for a moment, later comes 2 more archer to deal with too). SAVE.

NOTE: I kept my food as much as I could, and just to check it out went to the one-screen allyway realising there is this save. The game must have version-differences. Point is, the loot was 1 apple, 1 carrot and 1 bolt of arrows. This ment a very slim upgrade in my arro-supply, and could heal back to ca. the same HP. Now the apple was at the far end of the creen, and the character refused to pick it up. I thought maybe this is a bug and I can't access it being "behind the exit", but then I realised you have a maximum amount you can carry from any item: 9.
So this detour did worth it for the sake of this guide.
--If you go north (eventualy I bet you'll have to), on the first screen do not move, and use the wand and the slingshot, then when the melee soldiers are delt with swith to the ranger and pike off the archers - release 2 arrows into each. Also went to the next screen because I felt if I had to re-do this section again I could do better, and with arrows and the wand-sword this wasn't hard. Sure, the loot is not good (a pack of arrows and an apple), but still, at least the deed is done. Of course returning on higher level would be even more great, but who knows what happens with the enemy stats then, so whatever. Anyway, you should remember that you can swap your controlled partymember by hotkeys: 1-2-3, or the whole group: 4.

Choose the left one if you feel confident in your abilities, because while it is an extra fight it provides a bread (60 HP), which can worth the cost. Then move to the next screen to arrive where you had land if you went right.. Before you arrive there though, swith the companion to use your old sword, because there will be a wolf, and those are hard to hit with ranged weaponry. Keep the ranger sworded until told otherwise.
On the next screen you'll be attacked by a bunch of soldiers, then on the next one wolves and soldiers. Finaly we can SAVE.

You'll meet a 4-way junction where you fight 2 soldier.
IF you go south you'll have to fight a bunch of soldiers, oone of them throws daggers. There's no real benefit here except for a pack of daggers (seems to work like the bow, but lower tier according to the inventory). For this encounter the ranger should have sword.
Going west are some soldiers in a distance, so it's fine. You can collect some daggers here too. There is one more screen forward with a closed gate an a bell that maybe will come use later in the game, maybe not.
Now go back and head east. The ranger should use the bow for damage, as there will be many soldiers there. Start with the two on the north as they will attack you as soon as they can, while the southern group will wait.
You are at another 4-way junction. Definitely go south, as dealing with the fight there will make you avoid a bigger fight just a bit later.
Going west is DISADWISED. They say there is a 1 screen battle there against guards and wolves, and I just don't like that idea, even if there is a SAVE there.
Go instead north, where you only have to fight 1 guard for an apple. There is a way down on the wall, which I ASSUME would lead to the "fight the wolves" area, so I'm not even trying. I'll maybe come back when we have access to the worldmap and aren't in risk of just hoping The Chronicler would show up. Go right (southeast corner of the screen) instead, and follow the kid to the yard. You might have to control both characters for this, the AI being dumb as a rock. We just avoided a 6-soldier confrontation.
Now patch yourself up, because we still have to fight one such encounter on the next screen, but after that (and a lot of dialogue later) we'll finaly have out permanent Chronicler, and access to the World Map.

At the bottom of the oracle-tower you can buy potions:
- health potion: 200$
- magic potion: 200$
- STR potion: 60$
- AC potion: 60$

NOTE: I tried out the Chaos Potion, and it creates an area for a couple of seconds, which effects the enemies stepping into, making them confused and thus attack their fellows.
Also from Buzki the alchemist (potion-seller) you get here a Gas Cloud Vial, whatever it is.

Go a screen right to get to the Rebel Camp. this is where The Permanent Chronicler resides too. Now climb up, and go "north" to a previously blocked area. You'll see a bear. Better know here they they hit very hard, and the wand can't shoot down that tiny stairs, so position your group accordingly. You get 3 apples here.
Next screen you fight 2 gient bees - they are slow, and every hit knocks them back, so use slingshot and wand.
Next screen you see 2 soldiers, and this is the end of this road. Do not fall for the guy standing up, instead go down to the other. When he dies 3 more soldiers will flock out from that building. Now to deal with the "upper guy" you should know he is standin on top of ANOTHER structure, so use the slingshot to lure him out then run back to the open. Turns out seemingly from thin air a bear is coming with him too. Or, you know, just don't mess with THIS guy and his bear. The reward on this screen is a chest with a Long Bow, which is better than what you already had. If you attacked the bug&bear they have a pack of throwing-knives.

If you go to your character-circle -> inventory then you can click on the map on the character-sheet for fast-travel. In Verdante -> Barrack you permanently have access to the food-vendor:
- apple: 5$
- carrot: 10$
- bread: 15$
- cheese: 20$
Too bad your money is not infinite. Yet.
Next to this merchant you now can talk to another one, who sells ammo:
- throwing dagger: 15$ / 15 dagger
- arrows: 25$ / 15 arrows

Now travel to Rain -> Othias' Tower. You seen this just before you went to the Oracle, but you couldn't enter. Now you have The Horn. The location has 2 screen. On the first are imps, and they respawn whenever you visit the screen, and as they can drop gold (not much, but still), now you have source of income in case you run really low. Feels like grinding, so better not.
On the next screen is a mage who gives you stuff, eg. your first access to magic, which'll even come use fast, so take it. Your mana slowly(!) recharges unlike your HP, and there is a leveling-up-by-use system impleneted, so the whole thing is a nuisance, but obviously you SHOULD bother rising your magic because reasons (obviously the endboss will only be voulnerable to magick).

This part is skippable, but I went back to make a complete map, just for this guide. When re-entered the screen of the last fight in Rain a bunch of soldiers appeared AT THE BACK OF ME, so had to reposition fast. But they were dumb, running around like headless chickens, so that was good.
Then there was this screen with a gate (inaccessible, not even locked) with 1 soldier. We went out through the bottom right, but now I used the stairs. It led to the screen where was a save after fighting some wolves, and a soldier standing on top of a wall.
Lastly, remember the screen I explicitely told you not to visit? It has like 2 soldier and 2 wolves, and nothing else, so it REALLY is a waste of resources. But it seems nothing else is happening, so no enemies being stronger, no encounter getting changed or disappear. At least now we know. You can leave from the screen directly to the tower we were heading anyway.

Go to Verdante -> David's house. You have to fight 6 green thingies - cast magic, then wait until it refills. Give bow to ranger and switch her as the active character. In the next screen (go right) when you reach the crossroad use the bow to pike off the greens, then swap character to David, and magic the ents that grow from the ground (2 shot per ent, 5 mana per shot, you'll run out of mana before ents).
Go north. They say if you go east you'll just die you know. Prepare to close encounter with some bees, then fighting 2 bears. Go out on the NE exit and prepare to fight 2 wolves. After that voilá, another companion!
Go back, and go west this time where you fought the bears&bees. You meet some mayor, who sends you his four guards who'll feel soon. The mayor drops a key, a SAVE appears. We are going to a whole other area, so save.
Post edited January 16, 2025 by twillight
Go to Rain -> Raingate, and the first chance turn "north", until you reach one of the closed gate of the coty. Unlock it with the City Key. On the next screen only melee will be useful, so act accordingly.
Use magic to shoot the thugs behind the crates on the next screen. The fight was very chaotic for me, all my party rushing in for the action, and the controls are really clunky.
Next screen: some fight. Next screen: more fight, and a new Special Move (Cleaver). Next screen: some goons will come from "south", just wait for it. After that go "south" to fight more humans and dogs. Around this you'll definitely need this hotkey-information: 7-8-9-0 equips various equipment. 7 is your latest melee weapon. 8 is your latest spellcasting (orb) OR wand. 9 is throwing weapon. 0 is shield. Learn the melee and magic hotkeys for sure.

On the next screen when you try to enter the tavern melee ensues, so deal with it.
Inside buy the firesword for 100$, then the Cursed Coin (Doubloon) from the pirate standing in bottom right corner. Another 30$ goes to the single old man on the left side of the screen for the Bell Code (3-1-1).
Lastly talk to the big burly man to hire him. Give up on the ranger, she sucks. Go to the Rebel Camp and SAVE.

Go west". On the bridge you'll encounter 3 ice-wyvern, then use up your whatever-key and fight 3 more. On the next screen are some soldiers and leopards (they jump at their prey, not away from projectiles), and you get a SAVE-option, but you probably will be like me, having way too many food, so let's instead go the other way instead of the obvious cave.
The place will be a 4 way junction. The middle and left ones lead to the same place while the right leads to a chest with food.
The main road leads to a castle with some orb-boss or something, and outside of it will be a sAVE which you shall not use yet. These waypoints do not disappear until you use them up, so it's good. The same is true for any food you can't pick up, if you want to be like that (I wouldn't).
Now go back to the cave, and you can go in 2 screens. Then come out and save! The next screen you first have to fight some ice-elementals, but then there will be the local orb-boss, and it is though as heck, so go ut THEN, SAVE, and try THEN.
The boss has a very damaging melee attack and other stuff, so give the flaming sword to Jug, give longbow to red sonya, and you hold the fire-orb. The boss will sometimes drop mana, and you still should have a mana-potion. With this group you maybe won't need the mana-potion, but still neat to have it. After the fight your group gets a levelup, meaning a full heal too.
You can SAVE, but it's pretty meaningless now.
Fast Travel to Gno -> Library Entrance, and talk with the professors for plot-purposes. Hop to the Rebel Camp to SAVE spareing this trip if you mess up things, then go back to David's house, and from there to where we met the Mayor. Switch to ice-gear, because we'll fight fire-creatures.
Btw, around this point I realised shield have durability, because I had less and less of them.
The next screen has a boss-like creature, some greater fire-elemental, which can under unknown conditions move between the cracks on the ground. Your best bet is to try hide your sqad behind the trunks if possible, then just spam ice-magic to the bugger, and when your character perishes give the orb to another (meaning red sonya) to spam more. Remember, as long as any of your partymember is standing, the party did not lost. And with the fight done you get a levelup (fullheal) and a meaningless saving-opportunity, then move 1 screen north to activate a fast-travel location, then hop away.

Go to the Library Entrance and talk with the professors, then go to Rain, and find the gate with the bell. You have to ring it 3-2-1 times timing the strikes right. You should be pretty fast, it's nowhere 1 second pause - likely someone coded the game on frames, so modern machines slowly makes this puzzle impossible. Anyway, after 3 consequtive hits David (or whoever is active) will NOD its head. that's what you are looking for. If you can get the character nod after the 2-hits, you'll be able to solve this nightmare. Start striking while the character is still nodding.
Then you get a save, and given how annoying this puzzle was to execute, you want to use that.
On the next screen go out THE BOTTOM LEFT, not the middle-left, so before you encounter the werewolf you can buy silver for 50$, so your melee weapons will deal more than 1 damage to the beast. And I mean melee weapons, and not just weapons, because I used up a whole stack of throwing daggers here, and I felt melee had been better.
Anyway the thing decimated my team - maybe if I just stood blocking in a corner when the werebeast backed there had been the right strategy, I don't know, but had enough food for the moment, so shrugged it off, and went ahead. There was a bit more fight, a buig cutscene, and I think despite no indication when the submarine shows up you should click on it, then you arrive to some sewers, and immediately some crabs start attacking you - of course! -, and there isa chest which requires a key which you don't have yet, but most importantly SAVE.

Prepare for rooms that are swarming with enemies, including the occasional fire-casters and dagger-throwers. I think the best option is to be on melee, and when a ranged enemy shows up switch to magic to eliminate it. Follow the path until you reach a room with a chest in it and 2 doors, and a SAVE option. "North" is the local boss (a dragon), so leave the save until you delt with everything else in this dungeon which is more of the same you already done, with the additional help that the rooms will have mana-refills. Here I also got my magic upgraded to Tier 2. You can change your casting tier with F1-F2-F3 (the lates when you gain another tier of magic). The effects are nice, but the upper tiers cost way too much mana, so...

Niw this is how the dragon-fight goes: you can only hurt it with magic (or ranged weapons), and only if you are standing on its shadows. That it constantly flies around like crazy doesn't help. Also, the idea is that you grab the Helaing Orb, so you can counter its poison. Yeah, its projectile poisons you. Well, that sounds good on paper, but does not execute well with these controls. So just do your best.
The good news is, your party won't move around, so you can send in one of them, and make a solo-fight, and when it gets low on mana send to rest while some other continues. Plus the dragon occasionaly drops mana too. You'll have to eat a lot though. Couldn't really find out how the healing works, not in the heat of the battle that's for sure, so whatever. After the fight you get a levelup, which fully heals you, but doesn't necessarily removes the poison, so cast Heal on the member who still has the condition before saving and moving on with your life.
Speaking of moving on, we found the necklace that is required to pass the firewall (beyond the Greater Fire-elemental), so that's where we are heading now.

So get back to the Fire Tree (same island as Daniel's Home), where you'll fight(?) 1 fire elemental after deactivating a firewall, then you have to get back to the Oracle (NEVER TELELPORT TO THE ORACLE DIRECTLY, seems the place is bugged, and can disable your world-map!) to speak with the Alchemist. Well, he now sells 6 kinds of potions instead of the previous 4. One is an exploding potion (FIREBALL!) the other is Gas Cloud (from the original Warcraft it can be familiar).
Hop back to the Fire Tree, and go in 1 screen. The bag is a trap for an ambush. After that a SAVE appears, but DO NOT USE IT YET. Switch to melee for a bit and go left ONE screen. The same bag-trick happens again. When you are don with it go back right. One more screen and there is a local boss who has the lightning-wand, and is only voulnerable to physical damage not magic.
Anyway, as said go bacck to the right first, and follow that path. You'll meet Cagen, who has a good amount of mana, so by the look of it will be more useful than Red Sonya, so send her away maybe. Anyway keep moving further until you find another chest containing a second Longsword. Now head back to the demon to deal with that - don't forget to SAVE before that of course.
After the earth-demon you get a levelup (fullheal), so do not overdo the healing during combat.

After all that head back towards the right and finish the journey. At the end of the road you'll meet some monk. Obvious what to do: go to the Library, then port back. The reward now is a Wood Key, which unlocks the final companion for the game, a supreme mage. Well... He does have a ton of mana, and the HP isn't too low, but the AC definitely is, and the stats to use any weaponry simply sucks. The question is, how active its AI is. Red sonya and Jug like to be near you and get the heat, while the monk is pretty passive (not necessarily a bad thing). So if you want to try out the mage-boy, it's your business.
Go ahead upstairs too for the Lighning Orb.
Post edited January 17, 2025 by twillight
Gear yourself in Fire damage (seems all orbs gain level you pesses when your magic levels up, so no need to equip the Lightning Orb yet) and port to Winter -> Glass Palace.
Whack yourself through the place until you reach a SAVE next to a well. Use it, because the next room is a boss. You very likely can heal yourself up, and even have extra food laying around still. Aftert he initial ~scarecity the game became very generous on food and stats. Not that mucho n gold though, but you definitely earn noticeably more than before.

The dragon is a looong fight for a couple of reasons. One: it instafreezes your party, and they cann ot be thawed out. Two: can only be hurt when "sparkling".
Three: it really likes to attack (has 4 type of attacks), and to avoid it you have to run up-and-down the whole length of the room.
After that go out on the top left, get the orb and the key, then SAVE.
Then exit through the bottom right, which leads to some mimics. You get a key.
Backtrack to the locked door inside this palace, and open it. One of the loot is the Amulet of Seeing, which you can put up as a wand(?!?) for a limited time - after that you need to unequip it and let it recharge. Yes, it's kinda stupid that way. Anyway, this allows you to access "hidden chests". You probably noticed some of it already.
Backtrack to the entrance - or just fast travel there - and there is the lock where the Ice Key fits. The main loot here is the Scroll of Golem Summoning I, which is again somehow a "wand".

Time to backtrack for Invisible Chests (bold chests you can loot right now):
- When you are in the barracks, use the right exit and there will be one behind some trees.
- In the ice caves. The second "room" (with the lantern hanging from the ceiling).
- In the room where you found the amulet of seeing in the glass palace (where you needed the diamond key.
- The area just before you meet Cane.
- In the caves. The treasure room next to the room where you met the alchemist for the first time.
- In the room with the telescope in the library.
- In the monastery. Where you found one chest, and there is another one in the main hall where the stairs go up over the entrance door.
- In the spire where you have the intersection.
- In Rain in a dead-end close to the bell you have to ring in order to open a gate. From the bell-place this is located down, up, down (as you see it when you are standing in each place).
- On the second floor of Reubens house.
- In Rain, a half-open gate (where you hid from the patrol with the kid) on a long street in lower Rain (two scenes from Othias' Tower)
- One screen to the right from the monastery gate.

- In Rain, sewers. Room with bridge and crane.
- In Rain, chains. Small room under stairs.
- In Rain, great Chain. (where you killed Fuge)
- In Rain, sewers. Area behind the Rusted Key gate.
- In Deadgate, room with two portals.
- In Metalon, next room from where you got Anelectus.
- In Metalon, room behind Halfmoon key door.

To get things rolling again visit the Rebel Camp. Talk with the people there, and you'll be sent to the Tavern. There you'll gain access to Rain's Sewers, and the designers didn't even forget to provide you with a SAVE.

You'll have to clean the entire sewer (sooner or later) anyway, so i give you no directions. There is only 1 SAVE in the area, and that marks the boss, so do not use it until you are done with everythng else. You'll find a Hidden Chest (see above) and a water valve. Again there will be no marking where to use it, but it is pretty evident. All clue says it opens the room of the Rat God, the boss of the place. It is magic-immun, so give everyone melee weaponry, select the whole group, and smash in. The party is a powerhouse at this point, and as the fight results in a levelup, there's like no worry here.
A hidden function to speak of: in case you have trouble picking up the orb here, rightclick, and select an area. A character will run there, and pick up everything possible to pick up.

There is not much to explain in the next section. First head right until you reach the screen where Death and his roaboat was - now there is a fire Bow in a chest. Then go back 1 screen and head "north". Eventualy you'll meet KHAAAAAN(!), but he is a pushover. Now continue until you reacha big stairs. Hold there, and equip the Eye to see the invisible - the next opponent will be invisible! I'm sorry, the game takes it down when you enter. Obviously :( It's at least only a brief encounter.
Go back one screen, unlock the gate, and go until SAVE is offered. We came a long way, and more of this is ahead of us, so I say use it, and come back tomorrow.

Fuege is a bloody annoying boss with zounds of HP, very heavy damage, immunities (lightning is sure), a lot of jumping away from attacks... Its AI is still dumb though, so we can pull some tricks.
ONe: it likes to teleport down the stairs, so it can turn to be unable to hit you when he is in his spellcasting phase (att he start he uses weapons, then switches to magic, which is annoying lightning spell, meaning you will get paralysed for a brief second). You can use this to hit him with some ranged weapons. As he still moves around a lot when hit it's not guarantted, but still worth throwing at him your bombs, to start with those. Arrows and daggers are useless here, but axes might provide some hits.
Did I mention when you enter he simply instakills your companions? Because he does.
Now the thing most everybody says you should do is turn invisible by the Ring of Invisibility (wands menu), then hit him with your Special Powers. There is no hotkey to cycle through them, so you have to set them manualy for this. Aiming at him is another problem, pay attention to that, but these are mainly AoE-attacks, so he can't really jump away from them. Oh, how you cast the Special Powers? While melee weapon is equipped hit CTRL, and press the mouse's leftclick until the move is executed.
Now this will still take a horrendous amount of time, and that pesky ring recharges like snail So I tell you how to chees this. Cheesing takes forever, but 100% foolproof, and 100% guaranteed. So when you arrive a scripted dialogue goes down. Then the guy still does not attack, wait until you do, or some BS. So instead of moving closer or such foolishness, summon a golem. It goes down in a second normaly, but Fuego's AI is not activated yet, so he is just standing around while the golem is pummeling him! The golem only lasts for a period, but still wrecks down alomst an entire healthbar. Then you can try fighting him with the above methods, or just wait, summon another golem etc. WARNING: as this is obvious abuse, I'd still attack him myself eventualy, just to be sure the script goes as intended.

On the next screen use melee weapons yourself. Your available magic should be maxed anyway, and given the type of hordes incoming, melee is the way to go here.
At the end of the road you'll find the guy whose teddybear you have. Then go back to the Duke's cell and unlock it. You meat with that hot daughter of Silver, but there was no SAVE, so you know this won't result in a fight. She names your next destination, but are also called to visit the alchemist yet again. Remember: do NOT fat-travel to the Oracle directly! Fortunately the Rebel Camp is just 1 screen away. He now sells Chaos Potion and Absolute Protection on top of the other potions.
None tells you, but the vendors in Barracks also updated their supplies. The food-vendor now sells every type of food, including the elusive Cake, which we never found yet!
- apple: 5$, 20 HP
- carrot: 10 $, 40 HP
- bread: 15$, 60 HP
- cheese: 20$, 80 HP
- cake: 25$, 100 HP
- roasted rat: 30$, 130 HP
- pie: 35$, 160 HP
- chicken leg: 40$, 200 HP
The ammo-supplier also expanded his list of wares:
- dagger: 15$ per pack
- axe: 35$
- fire arrow: 45$
- normal arrow: 25$

You also probably noticed - or not - that we got a Golden Key. So finaly we can go back to the Library, and unlock that pesky door that haunted us since forever-ago. The chest's loot upgrades our golem-summoning to mark2, and we also learn a Special Power (Hurricane).

Now go to Verdant -> Harbour, pay 300$ to the sailor there, and end up in a new location. Wear melee with David, it'll be easier. Those skeletons are weird.
The other enemies in this area are "wraith". Nothing special, just big brutes. There are also dagger-throwing summoner skeletons, so watch out for those. You'll noticekeeping up your health by food became unsustainable. You'll have to do healing magic after battles from now on.

When you spoke with the 3rd ghost-of-a-rebel do not go further (can't. The magic portal is locked), and do not use the appearing SAVE. Instead hop to spires -> Airlock to unlock a chest with a key. After that travel to the Rebel Camp for plot, a Special Power, and the Ring of magic Resistance.

Now from the Rebel Camp go north, and whoom, you'll castt he scroll you just got, and unlock an area witha LOT of fighting. Those dual-wielded swords really come in handy, and Jug helps too, while the monk-mage supports and fastens up our healing-process.
You'll get a SAVE-ing opportunity, but do NOT use it until the next screen can be reached going to the west through/along a small tower - there comes the local boss, without a warning. Pfff.
Btw, when you cleaned up the area remember you found a key to Rain -> sewers, so let's see what that offers before doing the harder work.

Here is how you handle the boss: for starter IGNOR HIM. Summon a golem as reinforcement - it's free. Also set for yourself a Tier 2 Heal spell, and make the monk cast time-spells (it slows down the enemy, or hastens the party). Focus on the summoned cretures until there are no more. That's when the bossfight really start to happen. Now stay away from the bugger, and let Jug handle the situation while you heal him, picking up the mana-orbs that fell before. If you have time for it, you might try to shoot some ranged weapons because why not. Don't overstrech yourself though, it's enough to just heal Jug. When he is down, march in yourself with the double-swords (really convenient that you don't have to bother with shield to be fully effective always. Anyway, the guy hits strong, but whatever, should have barely any HP left. And that's it.
You get a SAVE if you want, but I think we left a SAVE at that locked magic portal, so whatever. By the way before you leave unlock the gate right here, and open the chest. Don't bother with the mana-orbs - obviously - but take everything else, especialy that Bone Key, which fits the magick portal. That's our next destination.
EDIT: on second thought save in the forest, and save that save at the bone-gate for a moment.
Post edited January 30, 2025 by twillight
The next scetion is tiny, only 5 screens.
On the 1st screen you fight 2 brown beholder and a purple one. The Purple one can teleport, but if you dogpile on them one by one, this is easy victory. Oh, for this screen, and only this screen one of your character should wear the Allseing Eye, because the beholders are invisible, just to annoy you.
If your mainany character "disappeared", it stepped on that vibration, and got teleported to a higher platform, so don't worry, it's not a bug. INvonvenient, but your party can win even without you knowing what has happened, and the entrance-teleport re-activates when the fight is done so you can "assemble" your team anyway.

The next screen has 2 doors to continue through, and while both lead to the exact same screen, I say pick the right door, that leads you to a more convenient position.

And the 3rd screen are even more beholders, so nothing new.

Remember I said do not use the SAVE when you entered this complex? Use it now. Yes, boss-time is coming.
The boss is a Diablo 1 Succubus clone. Immun to fire and time. Has a massive ranged spell. What you should do is summon a golem (of course!), then select your whole party wielding melee weapons, and dogpile the b...imbo. Don't afraid to go to the next screen next, there will be the light-orb and the SAVE.

I guess you wonder what to do next. Well, you could go to the Rebel Camp and move on with the plot, but bad news: if you do, you won't be able to return to any other area, that means no more shopping, so think again. And while we can agree ranged weapons are trash (maybe the Ranger could pull out something from them, but I doubt even that, plus they are expensive to re-supply, so that character and weapon-class is 100% useless) there is food if you have too much money, and there are potions. I collected all potions, and only used like 1 manapotion and 1 STR-potion, so here is what I have left:
- 6 * heal potion
- 3 * magic potion (aka. mana)
- 5 * STR potion (cann ot be combined with the AC-potion)
- 5 * enchanted armour potion (aka. AC)
- 5 * exploding vial
- 9 * gas cloud vial
- 8 * chaos potion
- 4 * absolute protection (provides invulnerability for a duration - obviously max this out to 9)
I had 621 gold left after maxing everything out.
By the way, you surely fighured this out by now, but before leaving the Rebel Camp, SAVE, else you'll be effected by a bug that will prevent you from access of the world-map. Not that'd be relevant now for obvious reasons, but still.
NOTE: even the icon for Fast Travel will be taken away.

Fight yourself through infinite hordes of robotic monsters (so don1t forget to heal after every room) until you reach a big gate. There they say if you don't eliminate the 3 guards the door will shoot fireballs at you - I was fast enough, so can't confirm this rumour. Anyway after the fight a red potion(?) will be dropped which you should pick up, and you also get a SAVE.

Right on the next screen is a Hidden Chest, which contains the best shield in the game.
Aftert hat head on until you have to use that red thingamajog you last found, where you get a SAVE too, finaly. Boss will happen after this.

Mr. Robot Boss is straightforward. Dogpile on it at least 2 melee character, the 3rd can hopefully shoot magic, or just heal occasionaly. Summon a golem if you don't forget, that hastens things a bit. Anyway, as said just keep hitting it until it falls, levelup is coming after it. What DO can help immensly is Special Powers, start with Nerserk.
Do NOT use lightning spells, or the Armageddon SP, those heal the bastard.
As we are leaving the area, use the SAVE offered.

Now you have nothing else to do then just go forward the way you can.
You will find 2 magic doors, both locked, on one screen. the second can be opened by the key fund behind the first, and the first can be unlocked by the key ... found at Fuge? Well, then I'm not getting it. It's not thatb ig of a thing, but some conversation that might give you a clue how to defeat Silver, I assume. Definitely not the Diamond Shield, as I got it from somewhere else.
By the way you do find some potions in this dungeon, use them to speed up th crawling if you want.
Anyway, you'll reach a SAVE, beyond which the screen has Silver, and there will be no more chance to save? That's what they say. Seems there is a dual-boss, and that's that.
If you did not brought with yourself any of the mages (Cagen, or that mage boy), you'll be in trouble during the Silver-fight, in which only 1 character should attack the golem(s) that appear,. and the mage should shoot that floating orb with magic in the order you found the orbs. That'll show 'im.

If you liked Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance, this'll be in your ballpark. The game is a bit clunky, but it works.


Sol et's ee the Silver-fight: it's problematic. Cagen's mana will run low, and the AI will make the characters you are not controlling attack not just the golem-thingy, but also Silver who is standing at the side without doing anything, or being able to be harmed. Great programming if I may.
Defeating a golem gives you mana-orbs, and those go a ling way, but more control over your characters would be nice. Like setting them passive, making them defensive to use their shield and such. Without that this whole thing is a nightmare, because left uncontrolled your mage won't just attack the orb as it should, and Jug won't defend himself with his shield as HE should, and your character will do foolish fighting whiat he should NOT.
One redeeming factor here is all your potions. Mana and Health mostly. Or I'm just stupid that way. Try summoning golem at the start, and chuck down those invulnerabiluity-potions. Explosion and Gas Cloud are worthless, never touch those.
Anyway if your party gets slaughtered like mine for being a not-pro gamer, you CAN run around doing hit&run on the orb. Sadly that stoopid golem is hugh. so easily can block some of your projectiles, especialy the light-magic, which doesn't even has tiers.

After the fight is done, you get a save. It's no The chronicle, just the save-menu is coming up. So the totaly new final-final fight won't just surprise-slaughter you.
The story until now is on the margin of all this: there is this Silver-guy who is also the emperor because why not that, who went on his wife's nerves, so she cheated on him, therefor he strangled her, and also seemingly killed the man she cheated with, but appearently not, and now you do a Dragon Ball Fusion to nerf you to fight Apocalypse (suck on this, X-men!).

The final-final battle is kinda easy if you get the gist of it.
ONe: when Apycalyps flies over the land, it'll land, so run toward it, and start whacking. Once you land a hit, and you have your Special Power recharged, go for it (hold the leftclick longer while pressing CTRL). Aftert hat if the demon stepped back you can still and a hit, if not (or you jsut want to be sure) defend with the shield you got (CTRL + rightclick). Then hit once, then block again.
If A. jumps up RUN AWAY frm it. IT'll either hump down and create unblockable shockwaves, ot start his lightning routine after like 2 seconds.
If he humps down, you can run back trying to whck it more.
If it keeps floating, then START RUNNING. It'll always start its flying routine with the red Lightnings, then flies over the lava and either throws at you 2 fireball, or makes earth-erruptions. Doesn't matter which, KEEP RUNNING.
Ca. every 2nd time it floats down you'll have your special recharged, and you should use it to gain serious advantage over the demon, as you probably won't be able to avoid every damage, and they can stack up eventualy.

Now when the demon runs out of HP the fight isn't over! It'll gatling gun you with fireball! But this happens with a good amount of preparation-time, so when it starts spilling blood all over, run to the middle of the screen, turn towads the lava-field, and start blocking! That'll be our finishing-move.
Post edited January 19, 2025 by twillight
One Partymember Playthrough

Turns out you don't have to carry 2 party-member with you, meaning some areas will be nigh impossible - looking at Silver's place.

The first part is the same. Grandpa is mandatory, than you are alone, then you are with the ranger-woman.
The next member you can is Red Sonya, and I like her better, so there you go. I mean Ranger eats ammo and gets hurt too easily, so a more melee-oriented figure is more suitable.
Soon you can hire Jug, and he is just too massive to not change in. Also brings his own axe. You have to do a lot of magic - until your mana lasts, but jug is a tank. Plus pure melee, and for example there is the Werewolf (doesn't even give a levelup) which can only really be hurt in melee.

The Ice-boss is not bad this way. Jug keeps him occupied until you shoot magic and pick up mana from the minions fallen.

The fire elemental also can be done, though that thing is annoying. A trick though is, that MOVE your characters AWAY from the hotspots until the boss reappers, else it'll hit you then disappear again before you could retaliate. I suspect this is some AI-bug thing, but not too serious.

With 3 characters I could do clearing the path to the mage-boy like even before the ice-boss, but this way wait at least until this, or even until you beat the Draogn-boss to gain some more levelups, and with that stats, mainly mana, as there are a lot of ents to fight there.

Btw, this is a bug, but if you at any point can't use the fast-travel, just walk to the Rebel Camp, save there, and it'll work again.

The green dragon (acid, has the helaing Orb) is easy, you just have to keep in mind to not stand under the beast, nor can you reach through the whole screen AND shoot. So like run 4/5th, and turn around. And hope during this you never get poisoned - only cureable by the Healing Orb magic. Switching to it is annoying. Some hotkeys would be welcomed.

For the Earth Elemental boss I just came up with a trick. When it starts doing its star-shooting, run away AND SWITCH CHARACTER. This allows you to use your best Special Power more, as while you are using one character, the other recharges.
And as this monster is again only voulnerable to weapons, Jug is again the superior choice.

Next we get access to the remainder of the hirelings. Cagen's AI is still unsatisfying, so I'll try with the mage-boy, we have the healing magic after all.

The Ice Dragon is very easy if you catch the rythm, and if not - there1s always food. And as you rarely will have chance to attack, try out the Tier 2 spell.

The Rat God felt easier. Send in the protagonist whacking, while give Healing magic to Mage Boy. He'll just stand around anyway, so when you get low on HP, make him cast Healing Tier 2 (or 3 even) once, and call it a day.

NOTE: the Teddy Bear is useful in the prison, does not effect wether the child in chpater one let's you avoid the patrol.

Fighting Fuge is THE hardest fight before you enter the no-return land. Before you even save for the fight be absolutely sure you use the Golden Key at the Library! This upgrades your golem.
Now at the start of the confrontation uge will do zilch. Absolutely nothing. Let's You do the first move. What he does not expect is you summon a golem. A Tier 2 golem will drain one HP-bar from the guy. You can unlock the hidden chest when he teleports down. Try to position yourself at the entrance of the room, so you MIGHT get the chance to summon a 2nd golem which again pummels a HP-bar without retaliation. If not, or the 2nd golem expires too (that was my best), immediately turn invisible, and drink a Strength potion. Leave between you and him some space, and roll through your Special Powers. You'll be able to hit him with Hurrican, Falcon, and whatever the 3rd one is with a bit of practice. Then just start whacking at him like no tomorrow and hope for the best while watching your HP. Now sure, Heal Potions are fun and all, but how about quaffing an Absolute Invulnerability potion? Yep, you should have 2 of those already. Yes, they provide total damage-immunity. Then it's whack-a-mole.
On this margin, I have no idea how he reacts to other type of damages. Ranged weapons sound attractive even with them doing pretty negligeable damage (tested), but if the boss starts casting magic, you'll be in trouble. He also likes to jump around, so magic is again dubious, plus the dude is immun at least to lightning, probably also other elements, and I saw a video where the player tried Explosive Potion without any effect (hinting that he is immun to fire in general). No idea of the Toxic Cloud potion, ice, acid or earth damage. If you find any of those useful, please post a comment.

I start to wonder if the game was optimalised for this 2-character party, and due to incompetence, or technical limitations we got the 3-members, which often results in clicking at the wrong target, and other chaotic situations.

There is this guy guides call "Plague King", it's in the area where you find the Time Orb. For the first part literaly do not attack it at all. Just pick off every minion that appears with whatever means you find suitable. Summoning a golem at the start will probably help.
Once no new enemy spawns, wait until you can re-cast the golem if you summoned it, also heal yourself up with mana. The boss will stand around doing nothing during this.
For the last part attack the boss. Sure, everybody tells you to cast Time Magic, and sure, once you summoned the golem switch to Mage Boy and cast it on the boss, why not, but then switch him to Thunder Magic, which will shock the bastard when it hits, and that's just cool. Then just attack with Special Powers and stuff. If you feel like, you might use up a Steength Potion.
If you get hurt, remember you have the Ring of Invisibility to gain taime and patch yourself up.
On the sidenote in this area the Broadsword feels better, as the enemy likes to jump around and stuff, but against attacking this boss, the twin-swords will probably work better, as it constantly got stuck at the edge of the screen for me, so its jumping won't help actualy.
Now let's go fight beholders.

The Succubus is problematic with the protagonist + mage boy duo, maybe switching in Jug would help. Not sure.
The tricks you can do do not involve the golem, as that gets just oneshotted. Instead start with Lycantrophy because when the duration ends you get fully healed.
For the sidekick, lead him up the "stairs" so his magic won't be blocked. Again: thunder-magic's shock gains you time.
Try to do some Special Powers if you can.
There's also the Ring of Invisibility, again gains ssafety for you, but also there is the Ring of Magic Resistance to block those nasty Light-spells.
And if everything else fails - just drink a potion. I mean we are the the gate of no return, so any money you hoarded shall be spent after this fight if applicable, because why else you have it, right?

The Robot Boss is not that hard. The golem you can summon is pretty much useless here, and it has an annoying trample-attack amongst its other things, but as Lycantropy heals you when transformed to werewolf, and when you transform back, it's pretty easy, especialy that the werewolf-form dels megaton of damage to this boss.
For spellcasting - you might make Mage Boy cast come Light-spell on the bugger, OR spare the fuss and make it heal you when necessary. Your choice.
With just 2 characters DO NOT USE the save yet, as saves in this place are very rare, and the fight will turn ugly. Clean the next room which shouldn't be a problem, clean the next which'll be harder but shouldn't be unsolveable with healing and all that, try to clear the next troom (it has a mage, but it still worth not saving yet, because compared to what comes this will still not be hard). Then comes the room where you can use the Half Moon Key, and not THAT will be though, but you should still hold out. Believe me, I'm doing you a favour with this. Only save after you delt with this room. Crap, if I'd dare risk it, I wouldn't even save until the even next room, 'cause the room after THAT will be the most difficult fight in the game, period. And there will be 2 more rooms before you get yet another save. So it's though.
UPDATE: forgot between the Long Corridor and the Death Room is another room with just a handful of enemies and 2 chests. And actualy, if you do it slow, and got used to switch between characters, the Long Corridor is solveable: fight the melee horde with the protagonist - have shield and broadsword to sometimtes block the enemy's Special Power moves, and the AI works with those better anyway. Then when a caster appear switch to Mage Boy, and shoot it - as they can teleport between the two ends of the corridor, that's inevitable. If you feel like it, you can again use the Resist Magic ring, or the Lycantrophy, or something. So hold on to your save until the Death Room!
UPDATE: Oh, for F-sake. You can not go back to the save I was holding so desperately. When you come out of the Robot Boss' room, you simply can not go back. That's unfortunate.
Post edited February 01, 2025 by twillight