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Kaam: For me David never nods, not even after the first three rings.

Tried the following, without success.
- Spires Order from Gno -> Albert -> Bell
- Before the Ice Orb -> Albert -> Bell
- Ringing very slowly
- Mashing the mouse button
- Above with and without CPU-Killer

No nodding, ever.

Don't wanna cheat my way through with "save anytime", so this goes to gog:
Please fix this issue. I was so happy someone repaired this great game, please don't stop here.
Hi Kaam,

I had the same problem as you - David never nodded no matter what. But then I tried running the game in compability mode for Windows 95. This caused the sound to lag but it made David nod when ringing the bell. After this I just had to ring the sequence in the way PeterD23 describes. Admittedly, the timing is tricky and will probably require a few attempts but it worked for me. Hope that helps!
Post edited September 15, 2013 by maivaer
Just worked for me from the second attempt. I continued ringing as soon as I saw David started nodding.
Thanks a lot, PeterD23!
I remember this bell being a bitch also back in the day.

I played the game year 2000, on a mediocre PC for that time.
I recall it took me several hours to nail the correct timing,
since I don't think I was aware that David nods to confirm.
But I don't think this puzzle was any easier back then.
It dosent work for me.. Ive sat for like 2 hours trying this and it dident work, any other ideas on how to solve it? :)
After about one hour of trying I gave up: David never nods on my Pentium 4 HT.
This is the third major bug I encountered in Silver, I play to relax, not to work...

(the first bug: on this machine, but not on my more recent laptop, exiting David's home without the sword equipped half-froze animations, made David uncontrollable and eventually crashed; the second bug: as soon as I get on the place with 2 chests in the ice terraces, it crashes with an exception)

Sloppy or hurried programming, I'm afraid.
I love GOG games, but a bit more of testing would not hurt.
Igmuwa: I remember this bell being a bitch also back in the day.

I played the game year 2000, on a mediocre PC for that time.
I recall it took me several hours to nail the correct timing,
since I don't think I was aware that David nods to confirm.
But I don't think this puzzle was any easier back then.
Now we have the solution. Nadavshemesh reverse enginered the code and applied a patch to extend the timeout between the group of rings: