LCJr: As for killing them...
1. Use PK's yourself. The PK sniper anti-tank rifles work the best as they damage the pilot.
2. The PIAT damages PK's.
3. Heavy grenades damage PK's. The PWM is especially deadly with a high enough penetration it damages the pilot.
4. 7.62x54R weapons damage PK's but aren't a very good option unless they're nice enough to stand around and let you shoot them all day. Maximum of ~10 points a shot and you'll get a lot of richochet/evades.
*Energy weapon PKs are devastating against other PKs and anything else, they pierce walls easy. If the pilot is accurate, the weapon is very accurate at long range.
*The handheld plasma "beam launcher" is also effective against PK. They're very accurate as well. To get these, you could snipe the enemies that carry them.
*I found that machinegun, rocket, and sniper PKs are best suited against footsoldiers
*As mentioned, PWM antitank heavy nade (and the 'RPG' heavy nade) works great indoors against PK. Outdoors, your best bet is to have them carried by high Sneak soldiers who can throw them from close range.
*Rocket launchers are generally terrible for long range fights, they miss. You need to get close to get acceptable accuracy and by that distance, the enemy PK would have gotten many chance to kill you.