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I'm kinda bored of a wendsday afternoon and I'm feeling like starting up a game of civ with some people I don't even know from the internet.

Here's the idea: about say seven other people, join this handy discord server I just created

We then pick civs to match a certain historical period and region and I rough out a world based on that for us to ocupy with plenty of tangentaly related NPC civs then we drop into the whole mess and have a 'historical refight', so say we decided on "The Conquests of Alexander the Pretty Alright"* as our theme: one person could pick Egypt, someone obviously is the Greeks, Persians get mixed in, Ghandi's coming to the party, buuut, we need like four more at least..
*(Bonus Points if you get the reference)

So, who else could have been involved? Well, acording to the Anead the Romans were already kinda a thing, way off in the other direction from where Alexander went, but still... China's just on the other side of some mountains from India, they could have gotten involved if Alexander hadn't gotten sick... Say Alexander turned his attentions south and explored further down the Nile? Might have run into the Zulu, perhaps? Or gone northward from Persia: found himself up against a ton of Mongols?

Ok, so, there's our eight players who do we pull in for NPCs?

I'll be quiker about this: Rome & Greece = Carthage & Germany. China, India, & Mongolia = Korea & Japan. Persia, Egypt, and The Zulu = Arabia. And for the long game: Azteks, Iroquios, and Maya.

If You want to give something like this a try, click the link!
Post edited June 28, 2018 by The_Ghost