Posted April 06, 2016

Its just my personal style that i find diplomacy to be of little use in all the strategy games that i play, with the exception of Galactic Civilizations. I could not give two hoots about Planetary governor either for the simple reason that i can progress in the game just fine without it.... by contrast, there are a few wonders that i will feel the loss if i don't have it! lol

In case you were not aware, the real strategy game inside Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri is the politics and how there are different resolutions to a problem , as well as other ways to playing... but hey, if that's how you play the game...
---knock yourself out having fun!
It's too bad that you're missing out on all of the other fun aspects of the game.
I get it that its a good set up, no denying that, but the AI is mostly unreasonable, which is the case with most games that have diplomacy. You need to approach diplomacy with cap in hand, oh please sir, be my friend...its not my thing.... i am more of a 'get in line or get out of my way' type of gamer..... What is fun for you is not fun for me..... different strokes for different folks, whatever floats your boat etc etc.
Ultimately The most enjoyable part of diplomacy comes when i get to wipe them out because they are so unreasonable.... oh yea!!!!