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I'm launching v1.2PC version, but this game is unplayable for me as it is.

Wether I chose Fullscreen or Borderless Window in the options page, it always reverts the game to Windowed whenever I select back from the Options page. Even if any of the previous options are selected and I exit the game and get back, it always stays at Windowed, but if I enter the Video Options page, the option I previously selected is the one selected, it's just that it doesn't do what is selected.

It only does work Fullscreen or Borderless Window when I select any of those options, but as soon as I get back (select Back button or press Escape on keyboard) it reverts to Window mode.

Does anyone else suffer the same? Does any one have a solution?

I use a i9-8950hk cpu with a 1070 gpu on a laptop.
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