Arakis50: Hi ! I have the same problem : impossible to save (APEX quest) and then a bug (characters can not move or use habilities, no possibility to end turn either), perhaps since an update of the game or GOG ? I will try a new installation of Dragonfall.
If anyone has the same problem, an explication or a solution, please tell us :)
scientiae: The Apex mission is pretty complex (code-wise), so it may be something you have to abandon and re-play.
I remember completing the mission and THEN trying to pick up the loot (weapon from the safe, etc.) and the game lost the end-of-mission transition point (that was there before I triggered the loot).
That was very annoying!
To be sure it's a bug, but I understand what happened; the developers didn't think anyone would grab the loot AFTER the fight. (I had a full inventory before the fight, in order to win it, so I didn't have any room for the loot. BUT, what I should have done was just take the loot and send it to my stash. I haven't tried accessing the loot in the middle of the fight.)
The quest is a long one; where abouts are you stuck and unable to save? In the apartment complex, or in the basement? If you
Restart the level you will begin from the outside or the basement, depending on where you have reached.
Thanks for your answer ^^ I haven't try to take the loot during the fight, but I've finally ended the fight and the mission without a save (crash if I try), just the auto-save when leaving the place.
I never try to restart the entire level, just my save during the fight (damn, this mission is long, it's frustrating ! XD). I am lucky (and a little paranoïd) because I save regullary, so my old save was during or just before the last fight of APEX mission.
But yes, I suppose the only solution is to start and restart the level - or try to end it in a rush without a save.