Uberskunk: Having played all 3 games, I can say with confidence that the gunplay/combat is probably SW3's biggest strength, and the one advantage it has over its predecessors (well that and, the enemies feel the most distinct in SW3).
Best one in the reboot series confirmed then. A fps game that can't deliver on this part is not a good one imo and SW 2013 definitely didn't deliver for the most part (the crossbow was ok). SW 2 did at least after you found some good upgrades for your weapons that would increase the default dps etc. (love my high dps gauss lever action rifle).
Uberskunk: On the flip side of that, they seem to have kind of nerfed the sword play to some extent, making the sword a constant side-arm instead of an individual weapon, and while it does have obtainable special moves like the previous games, they're kind of more awkward to trigger and I found myself rarely interested in trying to use them. Plus, the sword being the right-click weapon at all times means that alternate firing modes are gone. It's also the smallest arsenal of the series, though that didn't bother me a ton since I don't tend to have more than 2 or 3 weapons or so that I use regularly in a given shooter.
This is totally fine for me. In the original game from 1997 the katana was also a weapon that you wouldn't use much once you got your hands on the akimbo uzis, the riotgun, the grenade launcher or the railgun. Also it's imo better to have only a couple weapons that actually sound and feel good instead of having 70+ weapons that mostly feel bad and would only become fun to use after hours of grinding.
Uberskunk: The drawback to being a DOOM Eternal clone however is, if you enjoyed the exploration element of the first two games, there's none of that to be found here. [...] But if you're into DOOM's combat then for sure, this is probably the closest approximation of it that you're gonna get without playing DOOM itself.
I do enjoy some exploration here and there but it was never the main thing why I would play a fps game. The gunplay and combat loop are the most important things for me and when those are done well (which totally seems to be the case here) then the game is a winner in my book.