I was very very happy with this reboot of Shadow Warrior, being an old school fan of the game myself I was expecting something very mediocre - but instead this game exceeds all my expectations.
It *is* Shadow Warrior. It has running comments throughout the game, it *is* linear like Shadow Warrior of 1998 was as well - if the game had been changed to open world, well that would have pissed me off!
Quake, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior were all linear. Games like System Shock 2 and Undying were linear. Heck Just about every game released today is linear. I just don't get that complaint. Sorry.
This reboot takes everything in Shadow Warrior 1998 and updates it for 2013. Graphics, sound, gameplay - without changing it into something else. Beautiful and funny, infantile yet subtle humor, with a steady flow of evil spirits, demons and mayhem.
There is *no* cover based combat. No defending, no nonsense.
It is frantic fun and mayhem from beginning to end. This is the best indie game of 2013 so far, and probably will be at the end of the year.