Daggerknight: I might be in the minority here, but if they do get on with a Shadow Warrior 3 or expansion, I hope the tone of the plot is closer to what was in Shadow Warrior 2013. While it had its humor and was very much an 80's/ 90's pop action romp, it took itself seriously enough to build its world and tell a genuinely interesting story. That, and I liked how Wang himself goes through something of a journey, starting off as a devil-may-care merc and ending as an exhausted yet triumphant warrior who stayed loyal to his friend till the end.
In short, please Flying WIld Hog, stop tearing up the cool stuff you had. However, by all means, keep the game play in tact, because part 2 just about made up for its nonsense plot with its awesome game play!
I second this. I would also like to add that I hope they remove the "Borderlands-esque" elements when they make the third one. It just simply wasn't well done. Upgradeable weapons is a much better choice