tommydean80: HI everyone,
What do I need to do to be able to change my settings so that I can use my controller in one player mode.
Thanks in advance.
I have a 360 controller and run this game on Linux. I use the DPAD for direction and "A" button for kick/select:
1) Edit the dosbox_SWOF.conf file in the install directory. In the [Joystick] section, change "joysticktype" from "auto" to "fcs". If you don't do this, you won't be able to use the DPAD in the game. You can still map an analogue stick, but they don't handle diagonals well. Mapping the DPAD works better.
2) Start the game and immediately press "Ctrl+F1" to bring up the mapper.
3) Click the "Up arrow" key on the screen. Select "Add" then press "Up" on the DPAD.
4) Repeat for the left, right and down arrows.
5) Click on the "Ctrl" button, select "Add" and map whatever pad button you want to use to kick
6) Select "Save" then "Exit". A file called "" will be added to your install directory
7) Play the game!
I haven't tried this on Windows or OSX, but it works for me on my Linux setup. Hope it works for you.