esoterikism: I can get the game working via:
dosbox -conf dosboxScreamer.conf -noconsole -c "exit"
But once I get past the opening credits it asks for the game cd. Is there any way around this?
I'd say that the image mounting probably fails at some point. Try the following:
1. Open dosboxScreamer.conf
2. Remove "cls" and everything below
3. Save and start screamer with dosbox -conf dosboxScreamer.conf -noconsole
It should leave you at the DOS prompt now with a message above either confirms that screamer.inst has been mounted successfully or tell you that it hasn't.
If it hasn't been mounted, there are a couple of things that could be causing it:
1. Correct case? Windows isn't case sensitive so chances are that somewhere a filename is incorrect.
2. Backslash? The config file mounts the iso with a relative path of ".\screamer.inst", not sure if DOSBOX automatically translates that to the correct forwards slash.
Edit: Damn, you solved it while I was still typing.