Posted September 05, 2015

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Italy

Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted September 05, 2015
Do you have Satellite Reign installed in the default location for Galaxy? That worked for me.

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Italy
Posted September 05, 2015
instead i blame the programmer for making a mess with visual c++
and I give them 24hrs after I will ask a refund and I will start posting bad reviews about them .
That' s it ,
customers are ever right !
Post edited September 05, 2015 by Spartanv

Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted September 06, 2015

instead i blame the programmer for making a mess with visual c++
and I give them 24hrs after I will ask a refund and I will start posting bad reviews about them .
That' s it ,
customers are ever right !

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Italy
Posted September 06, 2015
I must be able to install it where I want .
My drivers are updated .
I don't see any help from support .
The output_log submission page is broken .
There's enough to write BAD reviews about this game developer .
My drivers are updated .
I don't see any help from support .
The output_log submission page is broken .
There's enough to write BAD reviews about this game developer .

Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted September 06, 2015
Remember "Medal of Honor: Airborne"? That was a funny little game. The installer that came on the disc, the retail disc you bought in the store, yeah, it would error if Physx was already installed when it got to that point in the installer. Try as you might nothing would get you passed that point - to even install the game - until you uninstalled Physx so that game could install it again as part of its installation. The game doesn't give a poop about where you want to install it. I'm asking to install it to the default location using Galaxy. Perhaps that will work and perhaps it won't but what it will do is generate an additional piece of information: does the game expect to be at a certain location? BIOS, Chipset, Video, Audio, and Network are the big five. If those five are at their latest versions then you have the fewest problems generally. You probably won't see much here as this is a community forum. You could try the official forums, but those don't have a dedicated support section either. Where is this page? For circumstances totally outside of their control even? Way back when I bought id's Quake II on launch day. I was so hyped for that game. Played the first level, fine, get to loading the next level: "function pointers have moved." Nothing I could do would get me past that loading to the next level. Nothing. The game was broken. The culprit was that I had an IBM Cyrix processor instead of an Intel Pentium one. The IBM was 99.9% compatible with the Intel but that last 0.1% is what tripped me up. Quake II did not work on my machine until about 4 patches and three months later. With version 3.17. The times are approximate but it was a long time until I could play what I bought on launch day.
This situation literally exists with every single game ever made today. There is so much variety of hardware that sometimes you just get unexpected combinations from a program's point of view and undefined behavior comes out of the program. This is not the developer's fault, it really is amazing that anything even works to begin with on a modern PC.
So, I'd suggest trying the default installation folder within Galaxy and if that doesn't work and your big five really are at their latest versions (and all Windows updates too!) then perhaps your 0.1% computer just does need a patch for the game.
This situation literally exists with every single game ever made today. There is so much variety of hardware that sometimes you just get unexpected combinations from a program's point of view and undefined behavior comes out of the program. This is not the developer's fault, it really is amazing that anything even works to begin with on a modern PC.
So, I'd suggest trying the default installation folder within Galaxy and if that doesn't work and your big five really are at their latest versions (and all Windows updates too!) then perhaps your 0.1% computer just does need a patch for the game.

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Italy
Posted September 06, 2015

This situation literally exists with every single game ever made today. There is so much variety of hardware that sometimes you just get unexpected combinations from a program's point of view and undefined behavior comes out of the program. This is not the developer's fault, it really is amazing that anything even works to begin with on a modern PC.
So, I'd suggest trying the default installation folder within Galaxy and if that doesn't work and your big five really are at their latest versions (and all Windows updates too!) then perhaps your 0.1% computer just does need a patch for the game.
I posted for help in their official forum and no one replied .
I asked a refund at this point .