trog69: I'm at the control panel, and I can get the wings to match the left-handed lever buttons, but what do the lowest two buttons do? I don't see anything change when I click them.
Another potential problem, ( though I have s save ready jic.) is that when I left the control panel, the elbow was fixed, and the two bugs merrily turning the bellows. Is this okay, or should I redo this?
Namur: If i understand you correctly i think you're missing the step of moving the arm to the arm switch you're working on, but the control panel is really hard to explain without an image, so take a look at te att. pic and let me know if you still can't figure it out.
As for the bugs operating the bellows, i really can't say, but if you close the furnace it won't matter anymore. I don't think it makes a difference, since you still have acess to the control panel to close the furnace, right ?
I marked this as the solution, as the levers on the left are a part of it, but my problem, which I figured out, was that the very bottom buttons, described elsewhere as "boils", are to be pressed to finalize the deal, kinda. Once I had one side matching the symbols, I pressed the boil button that corresponded to that side. So, if you matched the right side of the wing to it's symbol on the lever, then you push the right 'boil' button as well, then do the left side similarly.
Thanks for your help, Namur.