It's amazing that no matter how bad publishers treat gamers, there are still so many around who think they must play white knights for absolutely reprehensible practices by morally bankrupt, insanely greedy companies.
We get games released for full price that don't work, the simps defend it.
Publishers go and change what we have on our PCs, what we bought and paid for, without our consent, giving us just the decision to not have the game at all or do it their way, simps defend it.
Skins for a single weapon or a single character can by now cost dozens if not hundreds of dollars, when 7–8 years ago, 1,99 seemed unreasonable and YET STILL SIMPS DEFEND IT.
It's the equivalent of being spit in the face, kicked in the nuts and thrown on the dirty streets and reacting with, thank you master, can I have more of that?
Yes, this time there is a workaround, but it just shouldn't happen in the first place, if I don't want it.
And I know this thread is from last December, but reading the comments from some here, was so absolutely infuriating, I had to react.
Post edited April 18, 2023 by die-yng