Posted September 28, 2009
There's a ton in Sacrifice to like -- neat powers, creatures, tactical strategy, RPG elements, dark humour -- but after the first 3-4 levels, I just can't get into this game. I'm not sure why, but everything just seems to accelerated, too chaotic, and too frantic for me to really enjoy.
I'm not slagging people that like this game (it seems like a great game that I just can't get my head into), but I'd really like some insight into how to, well, ENJOY it. My main problem is the perspective, really -- if it were a top-down game, I think I'd be having a blast, but having to deal with the camera angles and views really bums me out. I can't ever tell whose units are whose in scrums, and actually controlling my troops seems all but impossible. I feel like I just wind up flailing away all the time, making incremental progress before the next swarm comes to annihilate me, then regrouping, respawing and battling back, lather/rinse/repeat until I usually wind up winning levels just through grim determination.
How do you have fun playing Sacrifice? Is there a mindset I should try to get into?
I'm not slagging people that like this game (it seems like a great game that I just can't get my head into), but I'd really like some insight into how to, well, ENJOY it. My main problem is the perspective, really -- if it were a top-down game, I think I'd be having a blast, but having to deal with the camera angles and views really bums me out. I can't ever tell whose units are whose in scrums, and actually controlling my troops seems all but impossible. I feel like I just wind up flailing away all the time, making incremental progress before the next swarm comes to annihilate me, then regrouping, respawing and battling back, lather/rinse/repeat until I usually wind up winning levels just through grim determination.
How do you have fun playing Sacrifice? Is there a mindset I should try to get into?