I am running it on a Win 7 Hexacore after previously running it on a Win 7 quad and can say it runs pretty well but there are a couple of things you should know,
1.-The game is locked at 1024x768 and while i have seen others than haven't had to adjust their resolution on their 16x9 monitors to get everything to scale properly in my case before playing I have to drop down to 1280 before playing otherwise the far left column of my inventory isn't visible.
2.-You will notice occasional glitches with regards to sound and stutter, at least I did until I set affinity for a single CPU. this is an older game after all and some simply don't handle multicore as well as others.
That said I think its well worth this minor hiccups considering what you get for such an insanely low price. you get both Sacred AND Underworld, you get hundreds of missions and miles of territory filled with all kinds of new and interesting places, great spells, the chance to get set pieces, and loot drops galore. Well worth the very few minor glitches for a game of such depth.