Posted February 23, 2025
For GOG members who have a somewhat newer NVIDIA GPU and find it somewhat of a daunting task to optimally adjust your Control Panel Settings for Sacred 2, view the screen captures attached. Your Global Settings will most probably be different; it will probably be best to have many of the options set to be controlled by newer games automatically under that tab.
If Sacred 2 doesn't show under the Program Settings tab, you may add it. Search for Sacred 2's folder location and select it.
After adopting the settings shown below, I trust that you will experience smooth performance at Ultra settings. The beauty of the game, now so augmented, will present itself in all of its colorful glory and enticing splendor.
If Sacred 2 doesn't show under the Program Settings tab, you may add it. Search for Sacred 2's folder location and select it.
After adopting the settings shown below, I trust that you will experience smooth performance at Ultra settings. The beauty of the game, now so augmented, will present itself in all of its colorful glory and enticing splendor.