CyPhErIoN: Then you must have spend a lot of time looting corpses and getting material in.
I uausally do that in the beginning of the game.
Just to get a head start on the money.
When i feel comfortable enough i just take up things that are worth it.
Things you can eaely spend a lot of money on is increasing the wepstats by going to ye old smitty and put in the most powerfull stuff that you find.
I also invested fortunes in experience potions.
Basiccly i was never running around without the effect :)
Costs a lot of money but since you have enough aswell , why not level up faster. It's not cheating in my opinion.
If you lose interest in sacred , may i suggest you play on hardcore. But beware , once you die , it's over ... .
It's a while that ive played sacred by wasn't it by pressing the alt button you could see the names and the colours of the loot?
Only pick up the ones that aint white or gray.
You must have played it some REALLY long time ago, now you can't buy XP pots. IIRC, it was taken out in a patch.