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So i play the rct games on windows 7 no problem. But on a 10 inch netbook. I found a good deal on a larger laptop I like with windows 11. Will the rct games play on it? Thanks
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imnoangel: So i play the rct games on windows 7 no problem. But on a 10 inch netbook. I found a good deal on a larger laptop I like with windows 11. Will the rct games play on it? Thanks
Think only if you use the openrct2 mod for it.
That is a way to make it work properly.
imnoangel: So i play the rct games on windows 7 no problem. But on a 10 inch netbook. I found a good deal on a larger laptop I like with windows 11. Will the rct games play on it? Thanks
Fonzer: Think only if you use the openrct2 mod for it.
That is a way to make it work properly.
They don't *require* OpenRCT2 to run, but it's recommended for QoL.
Fonzer: Think only if you use the openrct2 mod for it.
That is a way to make it work properly.
Plok_HR: They don't *require* OpenRCT2 to run, but it's recommended for QoL.
But when i used win10 without mod openrct2 it was crashing all the time when trying to save file a game. Could anything be done about that?
Plok_HR: They don't *require* OpenRCT2 to run, but it's recommended for QoL.
Fonzer: But when i used win10 without mod openrct2 it was crashing all the time when trying to save file a game. Could anything be done about that?
That never happened to me from Win95 to Win11 so I wouldn't know where to begin...
Post edited March 27, 2024 by Plok_HR
I can't get RCT3 to launch on Windows 11. GOG Platinum version gives me:

Unhandled exception "Access Violation" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum\RCT3plus.exe" at 0023:0045ab76
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation

As for the Epic Complete version, it says failed to create direct3d device sent to log, but I can't find it anywhere.

Both versions seem to switch resolution and then crash, so I tried adding the line Resolution 1920 1080 under the First Time 1 line in options.txt to no avail.

Finally, I went to turn windows features on and off in settings, found the legacy components box and ticked it, also ticked the direct x box within the legacy components group by first clicking the plus sign next to legacy components and then restarted the computer and voila! It works. It went right to 1920x1080. But only the Epic Complete version. The GOG platinum still won't open also after changing the resolution in its options file.
prYldfire: I can't get RCT3 to launch on Windows 11. GOG Platinum version gives me:

Unhandled exception "Access Violation" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum\RCT3plus.exe" at 0023:0045ab76
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation

As for the Epic Complete version, it says failed to create direct3d device sent to log, but I can't find it anywhere.

Both versions seem to switch resolution and then crash, so I tried adding the line Resolution 1920 1080 under the First Time 1 line in options.txt to no avail.

Finally, I went to turn windows features on and off in settings, found the legacy components box and ticked it, also ticked the direct x box within the legacy components group by first clicking the plus sign next to legacy components and then restarted the computer and voila! It works. It went right to 1920x1080. But only the Epic Complete version. The GOG platinum still won't open also after changing the resolution in its options file.
Have you tried installing the game outside of program files yet? Siince program files is a protected folder
prYldfire: I can't get RCT3 to launch on Windows 11. GOG Platinum version gives me:

Unhandled exception "Access Violation" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum\RCT3plus.exe" at 0023:0045ab76
Read from location 00000000 caused an access violation

As for the Epic Complete version, it says failed to create direct3d device sent to log, but I can't find it anywhere.

Both versions seem to switch resolution and then crash, so I tried adding the line Resolution 1920 1080 under the First Time 1 line in options.txt to no avail.

Finally, I went to turn windows features on and off in settings, found the legacy components box and ticked it, also ticked the direct x box within the legacy components group by first clicking the plus sign next to legacy components and then restarted the computer and voila! It works. It went right to 1920x1080. But only the Epic Complete version. The GOG platinum still won't open also after changing the resolution in its options file.
Fonzer: Have you tried installing the game outside of program files yet? Siince program files is a protected folder
No, so I just uninstalled the GOG version using Galaxy. But before I tried to reinstall, I tried to launch the Epic version and it didn't work. Which is a shame, because I really enjoyed it this morning after I finally got it to work. I'll try to reinstall it outside the programs folder, but I don't see how that should help.........

Ok so I clicked away from my reply here and the game's menu was running, so I clicked on my career, but it was gone, so when I uninstalled the GOG platinum version, it's save data is seemingly shared with the Epic Complete version. That's not ideal. I think I'm just gonna call it a day since I have one version running and I think it's the preferred version in this case, due to it's seemingly updated textures and resolutions. I don't wanna push my luck on this one. It's a really fantastic game. It was so strange how it didn't start up right away this morning. Anywho, thanks for your reply, I think it's definitely worth a shot for anyone having problems getting either version to run. I just love this game. To me, it kinda looks and feels more like the original than Planet Coaster, but I love that too. But I'm nuts, I even think RollerCoaster Tycoon World is fun. I genuinely enjoy them all.

latest update: It just starts when it wants to. I've just clicked on it over and over and over to get it to run. I've had it start up like an old car from the 60s, with crazy video mode switching on its own like its possessed. I just don't understand what is going on with it. If it needs to call down particular .dlls why not just store them locally. So pitiful. But it's up now so I'll play it again some. This is the Epic version but the GOG one was behaving just the same before I erased it so if you're having these problems on Windows 11 with this game, you're not alone.

......Haha never mind I finished posting my edit to this post and when I switched over it crashed. So, I reinstalled the GOG platinum version and it's the exact same thing. Usually, a flashed screen and a failed to create directx device error and ctd. Oh well. Can't have any fun around here, I guess.
Post edited April 02, 2024 by prYldfire
prYldfire: ......Haha never mind I finished posting my edit to this post and when I switched over it crashed. So, I reinstalled the GOG platinum version and it's the exact same thing. Usually, a flashed screen and a failed to create directx device error and ctd. Oh well. Can't have any fun around here, I guess.
Oh, you can. You could try running it via Wine via the Windows Subsystem for Linux. It's a crazy solution, but aside from downloading the last supported DirectX9 and praying and/or manually opening the settings file (which, it's been a hot minute since I installed), I can't think of a cleaner solution.
prYldfire: ......Haha disregard that. I finished posting my edit to this post and when I switched over it crashed. So, I reinstalled the GOG platinum version and it's the exact same thing. Usually, a flashed screen and a failed to create directx device error and ctd. Oh well. Can't have any fun around here, I guess.
ᛞᚨᚱᚹᛟᚾᛞ: Oh, you can. You could try running it via Wine via the Windows Subsystem for Linux. It's a crazy solution, but aside from downloading the last supported DirectX9 and praying and/or manually opening the settings file (which, it's been a hot minute since I installed), I can't think of a cleaner solution.
Well, today I only just now got it (this time, the Epic Complete Version) to launch on the first try. A strange thing also is that sometimes Medal or NVidia overlay fail to launch. Medal won't launch at all sometimes. I just double click and nothing happens. A restart won't help nothing. But then sometime later (in this case the next day) it all just works fine. I'm no engineer but I'm glad it's working right now and I'm going to play some more and maybe post a video! Playing through Wine on Linux is an interesting idea too now that you mention it. I have it on my Steamdeck installed on the desktop side (I think that's what they call it) and have it used it with good results and so that's something to think about. Thank you.