Posted July 20, 2018
I have progressed as far as the sstart of the second level where Bagman first asks Rogue to get that piece of scrap metal for him and this I do, and then he asks me to do the Micro-Mines Upgrade and this I do while getting to resupply some used up ammo and thats it.
There is fence in front of me that needs breaching and no way oither way out or around it. Yet, the game fails to tell me what to do next and Bagman is quiet as well. With no clue as to how to use the new upgrade and I stuck here.
This is the second time I have found something game breaking while playing this one. When I originally brought this game close to it's release, I had progressed as far as the level where Rogue had had lost Helm and ihe had to relocate him inside the wreakage of satllite which was pretty big. I just kept going until I reached poitn where I couldn't go any further inside the wreckage and had to stop playing.
There is fence in front of me that needs breaching and no way oither way out or around it. Yet, the game fails to tell me what to do next and Bagman is quiet as well. With no clue as to how to use the new upgrade and I stuck here.
This is the second time I have found something game breaking while playing this one. When I originally brought this game close to it's release, I had progressed as far as the level where Rogue had had lost Helm and ihe had to relocate him inside the wreakage of satllite which was pretty big. I just kept going until I reached poitn where I couldn't go any further inside the wreckage and had to stop playing.