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If anyone else couldn't start the game because of a instant ctd or they got a box that said they were "out of video memory" I think I found the solution. I have a 4070ti, so anyone with a AMD GPU might have to figure the exact steps out themselves

1. On desktop open the NVIDIA control panel

2. On the left, click on "Manage 3D settings"

3. Click on the "Program Settings" tab

4. Click "Add"

5. If Robocop doesn't pop up, click "Browse" and navigate to the games exe file. Mine is located in:
A:\GOGLibrary\RoboCop Rogue City\Game\Binaries\Win64\RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe

6. Once added, scroll down until you see "OpenGL GDI compatibility" and change the setting to "Prefer compatible"

7. Click apply in the lower right corner and you should be set

I have not done a lot of testing yet, but early indications are very promising, as I was able to start the game and max out the graphics settings. I have posted a picture of my control panel to help out if you need some visuals.

Good luck!
This setting has absolutely no bearing on Robocop whatsoever. That is an option pertaining to OpenGL games only and how they are rendered. RoboCop is DX12 Ultimate. You are getting placebo effect. There is absolutely no reason that a 4070 Ti can't run this game max settings 4k.

The culprit with these errors is one of either 2 things. 1. You are missing the VC++ redists from 2022, or 2. You don't have the latest most updated version of Windows which is required due to certain new DirectX features.

If you notice, you made this claim about the Nvidia CP settings, and then made reference to RoboCop-Win64-Shipping.exe. You mistakenly believed that the irrelevant CP setting changed something. The reason you were able to play from this .exe is that it ignores the beginning error checks entirely. That is why it allowed you to play. This .exe will eventually have crashes. The correct .exe is located at C:\\RoboCop Rogue City\RoboCop.exe.

From everything I know about this title firsthand...sounds like you are missing the Vc Redist.
Post edited March 02, 2024 by RizzoCuoco