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I did all the old FPS's, Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Duke, Shadow Warrior, Original Dark Forces.... the list goes on and on. This was always a classic. It had that right balance ofgood action and laughing my @$$ off. I remember what got me through it was a gamer friend of mine said the game is more joke than anything else, its not meant to be beaten. I said whaaa? He said yeah, no ones beating it on "They Call me the Cleaner" difficulty. So I proved him wrong :D
The game is nuts, Democratic Bonus, Republican bonus, Ludicrus Gibs.... when you died, spinning around your corpse saying "You Suuuuuuuck" or the + and - key to scale the game incase your comp didnt have enough horsepower, and if you scaled it down too much it said "Buy a 486".
Or the infamous "This level causes an error"
To me, its not about cool features or the best graphics. I play Daggerfall over most other RPG's STILL. This just had the speed, pacing, absurd weps like Firewall, Firebomb,Drunk Missile etc, and a boat load of humor.
As some have said, not for everyone, because it is over the top and campy. But sometimesover the top and campy is what makes it fun. That why I love Bruce Campbell "Splat stick" movies :)