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Hey guys! Another patch coming your way. This one is filled with QoL improvements (like less lag, better coastal building placement, etc), but it's not as big as the previous one (that took forever to make). Going to slow down production a liggle big on the public builds, so we can focus a lot more on the UI revamp, new tech tree and traffic; all things that need a huge amount of dev time.

Meanwhile, please have a look at the new tech tree:

And don't forget our collection of guides:

Now get back to the game and make some money!

Release Date: 2/23/2018


Added Trade Route button to the following Logistical Building panels:
Truck Depots, Train Terminal, Boat Depot, and Zeppelin Stations.

Added Town Industries option to Custom Map Settings to turn on/off the ability of Settlements to place Buildings (Default: On).
Added Edge Panning Speed option to Controls Settings:
Range: 0-300% (Default 100%).

Settlements now place buildings far away from urban areas.
Settlements now add a new shop every 100K population instead of 75k population.

Improvements and Changes

Adjusted the Budget Flow to reflect the current month instead of the last 30 days.
Adjusted the Warehouse Area of Influence color for better visibility.
Adjusted Shops to be considered “supplied” when 2 Products are provided instead of just 1 Product.
Lowered Bloated Status of Settlements:
“500k to 1 mil” to “500k to 750K”.

Adjusted how Demolishing to allow the connector road tile on buildings to remain after Demolishing to prevent breaking any AI Paths.
Adjusted Alpha Value of Building Road Connector for better visibility.
Adjusted Coastal Building Placement to allow for 2 rows of tiles past the coastline versus just 1 row of tiles to place a building
Adjusted Train Track Hologram Model for better visibility.
Adjusted Camera to center on the biggest settlement on a map after loading into the map.
Adjusted All Alerts to be displayed in Uppercase.
Changed all Logical Building (Warehouse, Depots, and Wholesaler) max Truck limit:
9 Trucks to 15 Trucks.

Changed Warehouse Overview value:
Total Stored to Total Capacity.

Changed naming convention:
Cycles to Days.

Doubled all Logistical Buildings Storage Space:
Warehouse: 375 to 750.
Truck Depot: 120 to 240.
Train Terminal: 120 to 240.
Boats Depot: 90 to 180.
Zeppelin Station: 120 to 240.

Removed Permits from Freeplay game mode.
Renamed Mouse Wheel setting tooltip:
"This option allows the use of the mousewheel to rotate as well." to "This setting also allows rotating the buildings using the mousewheel"


Fixed Game Pause when looking at the Tech Tree.
Fixed World Generator crash with Custom Maps.
Fixed map name resetting when reloading Custom Maps setting.
Fixed Expenses not being displayed correctly.
Fixed bug that disallowed players from buying a building with enough money.
Fixed Trade Trucks to deposit their inventory into their destination depot after loading a save game.
Fixed issue that caused Autosaving, Saving, and Loading to take longer than normal.

Known Issues

Trucks sometimes like to go in a straight line, avoiding roads
Boats love to think they’re hovercrafts and travel on land
Loading sometimes empties the cargo of vehicles (pesky contraband)
Wow. You're really fast!
ThorOcram: Wow. You're really fast!
Committed for excellence.

Want to show all those that reviewed the game in a negative way that I'm listening to their concerns and doing something about it