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I occasionally unplug my speakers, at which time Windows disables audio output. Subsequently Ring Runner exits immediately when I try to run it, without any hint as to why. If, for whatever reason, it's not possible to get the game to run without sound, perhaps it would be possible to display a dialogue explaining what the problem is?

It had me quite frustrated until I decided I needed some music to calm my nerves...
JKing: I occasionally unplug my speakers, at which time Windows disables audio output. Subsequently Ring Runner exits immediately when I try to run it, without any hint as to why. If, for whatever reason, it's not possible to get the game to run without sound, perhaps it would be possible to display a dialogue explaining what the problem is?

It had me quite frustrated until I decided I needed some music to calm my nerves...
I'll look into it, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Update: I can't replicate this behavior on any of my test machines, could you check if perhaps the game is managing to write crash reports? If it is, they would be found under Documents/Ring Runner Crash Logs. If they are being written, would you mind posting the information or sending it to
Post edited July 31, 2013 by miniplush
ž[Version: N/A] - [This resource could not be created.] -> at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.AudioEngine..ctor(String settingsFile, TimeSpan lookAheadTime, String rendererId)
at RingRunnerLib.Audio.AudioManager.Initialize() in C:\Users\*\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\RingRunner\RingRunnerLib\Audio\AudioManager.cs:line 229
at RingRunner.RingRunnerGame.LoadContent() in C:\Users\*\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\RingRunner\RingRunner\RingRunnerGame.cs:line 169
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Initialize()
at RingRunner.RingRunnerGame.Initialize() in C:\Users\*\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\RingRunner\RingRunner\RingRunnerGame.cs:line 147
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at RingRunner.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\*\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\RingRunner\RingRunner\Program.cs:line 22

Funny how Visual Studio inadvertantly leaks personal information, there...
After doing some research into the problem, it seems that certain computer configurations run into this problem when trying to create the audio engine in XNA when no audio device is found. I'll see if I can perhaps fix it, or maybe make it fail a bit more gracefully in the future. For now I will add it to the Known Problems/Solutions in our tech support forum.

Thanks for posting the crash log.
Hey, i got this issue now so I found a basic solution : Install Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 (cannot add link here)

For SEO purpose this is related to the problem Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio which has link to Direct X 9c.

Need to install it even on Windows 10
Works for Terraria, Stardew Valley and so on.