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Yello, I figured I would let you know the problems with running the game on a triple monitor system in the event you have the time or inclination to fix them.

Firstly I can't find any option to actually change the resolution of the window or the fullscreen window, fullscreen always uses my desktop resolution (5040x1050) and windows mode always uses about half that. This is problematic because it means I can't avoid the issues below by switching to a single monitor resolution in game, I have to mess around with my desktop resolution which isn't very convenient.

The first and biggest issue in terms of triple monitor support, your internal render crashes if it's set to anything over a 4K resolution, if the game is running in fullscreen mode, and you set the resolution over 4096, the game crashes to desktop.

I can't start a new game with a resolution that has a 48:10 aspect ratio, it crashes on the loading screen, but I can change to a resolution of that aspect ratio once in game, namely 3840x800.

Because Fullscreen Resolution controls the internal render rather then screen resolution, at 1680x1050 the game renders correctly, but everything but the background is badly pixelated. Running it at 3840x800 make it better but it's still blurry and any higher crashes the game.

Below are some screenshots below to show the pixelation issue, and the fact the game still runs at 5040x1050 when 1680x1050 was selected in the options.
(Images are to big to attach so I've shorten the links to bypass the block on new accounts)

:) Skid :)
Post edited July 25, 2013 by n_skid11
n_skid11: Yello, I figured I would let you know the problems with running the game on a triple monitor system in the event you have the time or inclination to fix them.

Firstly I can't find any option to actually change the resolution of the window or the fullscreen window, fullscreen always uses my desktop resolution (5040x1050) and windows mode always uses about half that. This is problematic because it means I can't avoid the issues below by switching to a single monitor resolution in game, I have to mess around with my desktop resolution which isn't very convenient.

The first and biggest issue in terms of triple monitor support, your internal render crashes if it's set to anything over a 4K resolution, if the game is running in fullscreen mode, and you set the resolution over 4096, the game crashes to desktop.

I can't start a new game with a resolution that has a 48:10 aspect ratio, it crashes on the loading screen, but I can change to a resolution of that aspect ratio once in game, namely 3840x800.

Because Fullscreen Resolution controls the internal render rather then screen resolution, at 1680x1050 the game renders correctly, but everything but the background is badly pixelated. Running it at 3840x800 make it better but it's still blurry and any higher crashes the game.

Below are some screenshots below to show the pixelation issue, and the fact the game still runs at 5040x1050 when 1680x1050 was selected in the options.
(Images are to big to attach so I've shorten the links to bypass the block on new accounts)

:) Skid :)
Hey Skid,

Unfortunately, the XNA Framework doesn't support render targets with x or y dimensions greater than 4096. I will make sure that these resolutions don't show up in the options menu at all. Luckily the back buffer doesn't have the same limit, so the game will scale the end result to fit the monitors.

Thanks for posting the screenshots, never seen the game at that aspect ratio. =) It's hard to tell, but did you have Anti Aliasing cranked up on those screen shots?

Just as a quick update, I've made it so setting the game to a resolution above the safe limit will automatically clamp the resolution to the safe limit. It's the best I can do given XNA's limitations.
Post edited July 25, 2013 by miniplush
n_skid11: Hey Skid,

Unfortunately, the XNA Framework doesn't support render targets with x or y dimensions greater than 4096. I will make sure that these resolutions don't show up in the options menu at all. Luckily the back buffer doesn't have the same limit, so the game will scale the end result to fit the monitors.

Thanks for posting the screenshots, never seen the game at that aspect ratio. =) It's hard to tell, but did you have Anti Aliasing cranked up on those screen shots?

Just as a quick update, I've made it so setting the game to a resolution above the safe limit will automatically clamp the resolution to the safe limit. It's the best I can do given XNA's limitations.
I've not done anything to enable Anti Aliasing that I'm aware off, they blurriness is the result of the 1680x1050 and 3840x800 resolution buffer being stretched to fit the screen (5040x1050). You can see my video settings on the first screenshot. I figured you was probably using XNA, this is a common issue with games made with it.
Post edited July 26, 2013 by n_skid11
n_skid11: Hey Skid,

Unfortunately, the XNA Framework doesn't support render targets with x or y dimensions greater than 4096. I will make sure that these resolutions don't show up in the options menu at all. Luckily the back buffer doesn't have the same limit, so the game will scale the end result to fit the monitors.

Thanks for posting the screenshots, never seen the game at that aspect ratio. =) It's hard to tell, but did you have Anti Aliasing cranked up on those screen shots?

Just as a quick update, I've made it so setting the game to a resolution above the safe limit will automatically clamp the resolution to the safe limit. It's the best I can do given XNA's limitations.
n_skid11: I've not done anything to enable Anti Aliasing that I'm aware off, they blurriness is the result of the 1680x1050 and 3840x800 resolution buffer being stretched to fit the screen (5040x1050). You can see my video settings on the first screenshot. I figured you was probably using XNA, this is a common issue with games made with it.
You can scroll down in the options menu, there will be an option for Anti Aliasing. Turning it up should help clear up the visuals. Though of course, there will still be a bit of enlargement to fit your resolution. I've made some changes which should help the visual quality of the game a bit when playing at those high resolutions and aspect ratios. And the game will no longer crash when playing on 4096+ resolution. These changes will go live next patch.
Post edited July 26, 2013 by miniplush
miniplush: You can scroll down in the options menu, there will be an option for Anti Aliasing. Turning it up should help clear up the visuals. Though of course, there will still be a bit of enlargement to fit your resolution. I've made some changes which should help the visual quality of the game a bit when playing at those high resolutions and aspect ratios. And the game will no longer crash when playing on 4096+ resolution. These changes will go live next patch.
Arr found it, it does help thanks, and sweet thanks for the effort, I very much appreciate it :)
Awesome work, game no longer crashes at any resolution *at least not while playing the first bit of the campaign* and graphics quality isn't bad ether, thanks, I now have no excuse not to make a video of this for my channel ^^ Need to play it for a bit first though.
Unfortunately I have another triple-monitor related issue to report that I can't circumvent, I can't buy anything from the shops because the UI renders outside of what would normally be the valid UI area (assuming ether 1920 or just 16:9 aspect). The game knows that's where the buttons are because the mouse is correctly locked to the area, but it doesn't recognise that he mouse is over the buttons and as such doesn't let me click them, using the keyboard rather then the mouse doesn't help. These buttons appear to be the only ones that render outside of the normal area so far as I can tell, so the rest of the UI works fine.
rr_ui.jpg (347 Kb)
n_skid11: Unfortunately I have another triple-monitor related issue to report that I can't circumvent, I can't buy anything from the shops because the UI renders outside of what would normally be the valid UI area (assuming ether 1920 or just 16:9 aspect). The game knows that's where the buttons are because the mouse is correctly locked to the area, but it doesn't recognise that he mouse is over the buttons and as such doesn't let me click them, using the keyboard rather then the mouse doesn't help. These buttons appear to be the only ones that render outside of the normal area so far as I can tell, so the rest of the UI works fine.
I'll try and have it fixed for the next patch, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Awesome, I just finished recording my video for the game and said you hadn't replied yet but given the other issue expected you would fix it :P Oh well, that's what annotations are for ^^ Thanks again :)

Edit: BTW, if you haven't done so yet I would strongly recommend sending a review copy to someone like Total Biscuit or Jesse Cox (Jesse is promoting games on green light). Not necessaries asking them to review them just offering the game to them, explaining the game and saying that you would be happy for them to make videos for the game if they wanted to. ;) The multi-player is sadly a ghost town atm :(
Post edited August 05, 2013 by n_skid11
n_skid11: Awesome, I just finished recording my video for the game and said you hadn't replied yet but given the other issue expected you would fix it :P Oh well, that's what annotations are for ^^ Thanks again :)

Edit: BTW, if you haven't done so yet I would strongly recommend sending a review copy to someone like Total Biscuit or Jesse Cox (Jesse is promoting games on green light). Not necessaries asking them to review them just offering the game to them, explaining the game and saying that you would be happy for them to make videos for the game if they wanted to. ;) The multi-player is sadly a ghost town atm :(
We were at Space City Con this weekend promoting the game, sorry for not responding sooner.

I believe TotalBiscuit has already scheduled a WTF is of our game. We'll reach out to Jesse.

Our next patch will be focused on getting people into multiplayer faster by allowing them to use "Prebuilt" rank 5 ships. These ships will be selected from a character select screen similar to Smash Bros and will not be customizable. Their purpose is to allow players to jump right into scenarios and multiplayer without having to play through the single player campaign.
miniplush: We were at Space City Con this weekend promoting the game, sorry for not responding sooner.

I believe TotalBiscuit has already scheduled a WTF is of our game. We'll reach out to Jesse.

Our next patch will be focused on getting people into multiplayer faster by allowing them to use "Prebuilt" rank 5 ships. These ships will be selected from a character select screen similar to Smash Bros and will not be customizable. Their purpose is to allow players to jump right into scenarios and multiplayer without having to play through the single player campaign.
Don't worry about no responding, it was the weekend, I didn't expect you would reply till when you did anyway :P

Great to hear TB is looking to cover the game, his video will get you a ton more promotion that my video will, speaking of which, the video is here:
And the article on the homepage of the Widescreen Gaming Forum is here:
Keep up the great work :)

:) Skid :)
Post edited August 06, 2013 by n_skid11
miniplush: We were at Space City Con this weekend promoting the game, sorry for not responding sooner.

I believe TotalBiscuit has already scheduled a WTF is of our game. We'll reach out to Jesse.

Our next patch will be focused on getting people into multiplayer faster by allowing them to use "Prebuilt" rank 5 ships. These ships will be selected from a character select screen similar to Smash Bros and will not be customizable. Their purpose is to allow players to jump right into scenarios and multiplayer without having to play through the single player campaign.
n_skid11: Don't worry about no responding, it was the weekend, I didn't expect you would reply till when you did anyway :P

Great to hear TB is looking to cover the game, his video will get you a ton more promotion that my video will, speaking of which, the video is here:
And the article on the homepage of the Widescreen Gaming Forum is here:
Keep up the great work :)

:) Skid :)
Great video, very in depth! Thanks for helping getting the word out!