Posted April 24, 2022
Witam gram juz tygodnie na zapisie moi kolonisci pewnego razu czy to na tym zapsie czy na autozapisach poprzednich przestali coś robić nie robią nic gdzie wszystko funkcjonowało nie moge uzyc np interakcji kolonisty na gotowanie( choc zlecenie bylo jedno na zawsze i to same) prace są ustawianowe jak zawsze w priorytecie kazdy ma ustawione jak zawsze zeby ''robił co chce'' cały dzien. Nie wiem o co chodzi juz mi kiedyś na innym zapisie też to się stało to jest jakiś błąd tej gry ? Zapis się zepsuł? Prosze mieliście już takie błędy proszę o odpowiedz ?
Hello, I have been playing for weeks on the record, my colonists once, whether on this zapsie or on the previous autosaves, stopped doing something, they do nothing where everything worked, I can not use, for example, the colonist's interaction for cooking (although the order was one forever and the same) the work is set as always, priority is given to everyone, as always, to "do what he wants" all day long. I do not know what I mean already on another record, it happened, is there a bug in this game? Sign up broke? Please, have you had such mistakes, please reply?
Hello, I have been playing for weeks on the record, my colonists once, whether on this zapsie or on the previous autosaves, stopped doing something, they do nothing where everything worked, I can not use, for example, the colonist's interaction for cooking (although the order was one forever and the same) the work is set as always, priority is given to everyone, as always, to "do what he wants" all day long. I do not know what I mean already on another record, it happened, is there a bug in this game? Sign up broke? Please, have you had such mistakes, please reply?