ruthan666: Hello,
im trying to run this game, but im stuck right after game start - i got simply black screen with only some windows title bar..
My machine:
- Win 7 64bit
- Geforce 750TI + Lastest drivers
Did you ever get this fixed??
I seem to be having a similar problem. I've read through a few threads and seems like a lot of people have trouble with this game. My issue is as follows:
I can RUN the game.
I click new game and am able to make it through the 'intro' of the game.
Upon LEAVING the first room, I am greeted with a game-breaking black screen.
I can still hear music, but can not do anything (that I know of) to proceed any further in the game.
I cannot press ctrl+alt+esc to open task manager (or at least it doesn't show up as an active window).
The only way I am able to exit the game is to ctrl+alt+del, open task manager and force Revenant to end process.
I will experiment further and see if I can get back into the game after ctrl+alt+del and opening task manager...
I don't want a refund, I just want to be able to play the game :(
Running Windows 7 64-bit, Nvidia GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
My computer is ooold... and slooow... I'm actually quite surprised this game doesn't run lol.