robky: Does this game worth the money? sorry for useless topic im new here
That would depend on a personal opinion. I bought it a while back when it was brand new and I didn't enjoy it near what I thought I would. It's not a bad game. If you were born in the 80's but if you weren't you may not get a lot of original 8 bit 80's early 90's references that make the game beloved. If You enjoyed Grand Theft Auto 1 you will probably like this game a lot. ( the old top down version) If You liked Nintendo games like the original Ninja Turtles you may enjoy this game. If You're not a cult 80's kid then you may not enjoy the game unless you like retro gaming. It's a really big toss up. It's pretty much 8 bit grand theft auto with a lot of mini games added. I have yet to beat this game so you can take my opinion with a grain of salt. I'd suggest watching a few videos doing some research and thinking hard. You could always wait for a sale if you're on the fence. I am pulling an all nighter so please excuse my grammar.