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HeavilyAugmented: The MGS1 Master Collection is a terrible example to cite when that's an EMULATED version of MGS1, not a port or preservation of another version. In other words, comparisons to Duckstation are valid in a case like that because it's emulation you have to set up vs emulation out of the box, but it's $20 for a subpar experience.

Regardless of that, RE1 is a mediocre "preservation" attempt on GOG's part considering that despite their efforts to improve the experience, they introduced new bugs that people have been complaining about on these forums such as the acceleration bug. The fact Aydan and Gemini are on these forums discussing solutions that GOG themselves will now be putting into a hotfix next week is the embarrassing cherry on top.

Maybe I'm not giving GOG the benefit of the doubt, but they really should've negotiated harder with Capcom to make REBirth an optional install of this release along with the original version, because outside of wanting to support more DRM-Free releases from Capcom, there is no reason to drop money on this version when the abandonware version is the better experience after some basic modding. At the very least, they should bother trying to haggle with Capcom to let the Sourcenext versions of 2/3 be a download option with the US version they're modifying so people don't have to take an extra step to make their version compatible with REBirth.
Wild.Dog: What do you mean is not preservation, Konami gave you a faithful PSX version of a classic game.
The experience you get from the MGS1 from the master collection is what you would have seen back in 99. Pretty much preserving the game in it's original form.
4K support, widescreen, high res textures, that's not preservation, that's modding or remaster if done by the owner.
It's called MGS MASTER COLLECTION, Not Remaster collection.
Is it perfect? No, but it was more polished that many AAA games and they fixed most of the issues.

What GOG did release is very faithful to what we got in 1997, minus the bug that are part of the wrapper used. Which could be used.
That's why i find funny when some folks talk about preservation as way to defend emulation, but when the company that owns the IP release a faithful version of the product they are trying to "preserve" they cry it doesn't have 4k support ultrawide support and doesn't come with a random mode done by a third party.

In the end the message people sends to company is
"We don't want preservation, we want a remaster version that's uber polished, but we don't want to pay more than 10 bucks for it".
Like i said, just take a look at star wars dark forces remaster.. People went nuts because it was 35, when that game had a lot of work done by nightdive.
So was the added bluriness because of hideous bilinear filtering, extra input lag, lack of analog movement, and cutscene freezes a "faithful" version of MGS1? Yes, some of that was fixed but the fact it launched like that despite having a competent team porting it (M2) is about as telling of a sign Konami didn't care until enough people complained and trying to shield it as being an "authentic" experience is bullshit when Duckstation can not only give you an authentic experience, but a more visually modernized one if the player wishes.

Also I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding what REbirth is doing. It's purpose is making the JP version compatible with modern systems, putting it in English,adding controller support, and bother making the FMVs run normal, that's about it. Anything like SHDP (which is an asset upscale mod) is reliant on REbirth but not part of REbirth unless you go out of your way to install it. In other words, they basically did what GOG are doing right now, and to put it frankly, they did a better job.

I can't speak for everyone (and there are people unreasonably asking why GOG didn't port things like Director's Cut content onto the original), but I'm not asking for some 4K remaster or whatever, just a decent way to play the original as GOG themselves are advertising. While it's the bare minimum, this is worse than what people have been able to get for free with an abandonware site and a compatibility mod made by fans. What makes REbirth somehow less authentic than what GOG are doing?

I gave GOG money for their work on preserving Alpha Protocol despite already owning a legal Steam version because of the effort they went through to ensure the one license track that got it delisted in the first place would still be in the game on top of adding things the original PC version didn't have (controller support and achievements) . I'm not getting RE1 or the rest of the re-releases currently because what GOG is offering with their dinky DX wrapper is worse than what fans did for compatibility for FREE that I already played years ago and are still doing now.
Post edited June 29, 2024 by HeavilyAugmented
HeavilyAugmented: Also I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding what REbirth is doing. It's purpose is making the JP version compatible with modern systems, putting it in English,adding controller support, and bother making the FMVs run normal, that's about it. Anything like SHDP (which is an asset upscale mod) is reliant on REbirth but not part of REbirth unless you go out of your way to install it. In other words, they basically did what GOG are doing right now, and to put it frankly, they did a better job.

I can't speak for everyone (and there are people unreasonably asking why GOG didn't port things like Director's Cut content onto the original), but I'm not asking for some 4K remaster or whatever, just a decent way to play the original as GOG themselves are advertising. While it's the bare minimum, this is worse than what people have been able to get for free with an abandonware site and a compatibility mod made by fans. What makes REbirth somehow less authentic than what GOG are doing?

I gave GOG money for their work on preserving Alpha Protocol despite already owning a legal Steam version because of the effort they went through to ensure the one license track that got it delisted in the first place would still be in the game on top of adding things the original PC version didn't have (controller support and achievements) . I'm not getting RE1 or the rest of the re-releases currently because what GOG is offering with their dinky DX wrapper is worse than what fans did for compatibility for FREE that I already played years ago and are still doing now.
I'm not fundamentally misunderstanding, in fact. I'm using those patches pretty much since they were released.
Back when they site was called "The apple of Eden".
I still have my original cds and boxes back from the 90s. In fact i see my copy of RE3 for PC and i cry because i traded an OG gameboy for it..
So trust me i'm very happy with what they are doing and i understand the core concept

So indeed the original goal was to make RE1 working on modern windows, but it kept growing till what we have today.
Which is AWESOME, but it's not a close representation of what the game was back in 1997.

Then you have the "OHH BUT THEY DID IT FOR FREE!!" Because they wanted yet they invested an insane amount of hours into it. Do you think they classic rebirth .dll was done in the on a single release??
Check the update history and the dates...

On the other hand GoG, while doing being great for releasing the games DRM still have to make a profit. They have people working on it, that need their paycheck.

Unlike other people here, i don't see anything wrong with GoG asking for some input and help from gemini and other folk that doesn't talk bad about gog. On the contrary it shows that they want to fix some of those small issues and get their customer happy.
Wild.Dog: So you want a remastered version that include over 20 different releases with custom mods done by people that has not affiliation with capcom which could lead to legal issues .
I didn't specifically ask for a remaster, mind you, since none of the assets would have to be retouched at all. More like a compilation. I also didn't ask for any custom mods, since the additions I was talking 'bout were all sanctioned by the company and are present in their official releases. The only new addition would be the built-in randomizer feature.
Just imagine what could've been done if Rebirth patch was open sourced, anyone thought about that?

I just don't see any reason for it to be closed source but anyways that's just my honest opinion.
Post edited June 29, 2024 by njustice4all
Wild.Dog: So you want a remastered version that include over 20 different releases with custom mods done by people that has not affiliation with capcom which could lead to legal issues .
ASnakeNeverDies: I didn't specifically ask for a remaster, mind you, since none of the assets would have to be retouched at all. More like a compilation. I also didn't ask for any custom mods, since the additions I was talking 'bout were all sanctioned by the company and are present in their official releases. The only new addition would be the built-in randomizer feature.
Well the assets would need a retouch, because they all belong to different versions that had different textures size and quality. Even i think that Resident Evil DS is a whole new engine.
What you want would mean a lot of work and that's $$$
Like i said in other post look at Star Wars Dark Forces remaster, people was crying about the price, yet they missed the point that a lot of work was put into that remaster.
njustice4all: Just imagine what could've been done if Rebirth patch was open sourced, anyone thought about that?

I just don't see any reason for it to be closed source but anyways that's just my honest opinion.
With the games now being officially re-released especially in reasonably priced digital-form compared to "scalped" and maybe even throughly burned / scratched physical-copies,
there is a lot of potential for open-source-clones to surface one day
( think something like "OpenXcom" and/or "CorsixTH / OpenThemeHospital" as examples ).

In other words, better availability of these games might lead to more "tinkerers" help reaching to most ultimate RE-game experience in the future
( especially by bringing all the content into a singular package rather than being slip into multiple platforms ).
HeavilyAugmented: Also I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding what REbirth is doing. It's purpose is making the JP version compatible with modern systems, putting it in English,adding controller support, and bother making the FMVs run normal, that's about it. Anything like SHDP (which is an asset upscale mod) is reliant on REbirth but not part of REbirth unless you go out of your way to install it. In other words, they basically did what GOG are doing right now, and to put it frankly, they did a better job.

I can't speak for everyone (and there are people unreasonably asking why GOG didn't port things like Director's Cut content onto the original), but I'm not asking for some 4K remaster or whatever, just a decent way to play the original as GOG themselves are advertising. While it's the bare minimum, this is worse than what people have been able to get for free with an abandonware site and a compatibility mod made by fans. What makes REbirth somehow less authentic than what GOG are doing?

I gave GOG money for their work on preserving Alpha Protocol despite already owning a legal Steam version because of the effort they went through to ensure the one license track that got it delisted in the first place would still be in the game on top of adding things the original PC version didn't have (controller support and achievements) . I'm not getting RE1 or the rest of the re-releases currently because what GOG is offering with their dinky DX wrapper is worse than what fans did for compatibility for FREE that I already played years ago and are still doing now.
Wild.Dog: I'm not fundamentally misunderstanding, in fact. I'm using those patches pretty much since they were released.
Back when they site was called "The apple of Eden".
I still have my original cds and boxes back from the 90s. In fact i see my copy of RE3 for PC and i cry because i traded an OG gameboy for it..
So trust me i'm very happy with what they are doing and i understand the core concept

So indeed the original goal was to make RE1 working on modern windows, but it kept growing till what we have today.
Which is AWESOME, but it's not a close representation of what the game was back in 1997.

Then you have the "OHH BUT THEY DID IT FOR FREE!!" Because they wanted yet they invested an insane amount of hours into it. Do you think they classic rebirth .dll was done in the on a single release??
Check the update history and the dates...

On the other hand GoG, while doing being great for releasing the games DRM still have to make a profit. They have people working on it, that need their paycheck.

Unlike other people here, i don't see anything wrong with GoG asking for some input and help from gemini and other folk that doesn't talk bad about gog. On the contrary it shows that they want to fix some of those small issues and get their customer happy.
Well if that's what you want, I can't really argue otherwise. At this point, I'm just trying to understand what's so significantly different about US RE1 vs vanilla REbirth outside of a few things that are probably just differences because of mediakite. Yes, even vanilla REbirth does include some QoL features like Quickturn and Tactical Reload, but both are disabled by default on the launcher (I just did a fresh install, yes with my recently bought GOG version because I'm a sucker).

Also no, I don't have any issue with GOG consulting more experienced people for assistance either (because I'm sure they have had that style of conversation on these forums for other games and ultimately just leads into a better version of the game in the long run), I just wish they consulted them before the release in some capacity. But again, like I said previously, maybe I'm not giving GOG the benefit of the doubt here because they didn't want to step on Capcom's toes considering their modding policy.
PaveMentman: ---
njustice4all: Just imagine what could've been done if Rebirth patch was open sourced, anyone thought about that?

I just don't see any reason for it to be closed source but anyways that's just my honest opinion.
PaveMentman: With the games now being officially re-released especially in reasonably priced digital-form compared to "scalped" and maybe even throughly burned / scratched physical-copies,
there is a lot of potential for open-source-clones to surface one day
( think something like "OpenXcom" and/or "CorsixTH / OpenThemeHospital" as examples ).

In other words, better availability of these games might lead to more "tinkerers" help reaching to most ultimate RE-game experience in the future
( especially by bringing all the content into a singular package rather than being slip into multiple platforms ).
I totally agree with you and I hope that eventually happens.
HeavilyAugmented: Well if that's what you want, I can't really argue otherwise. At this point, I'm just trying to understand what's so significantly different about US RE1 vs vanilla REbirth outside of a few things that are probably just differences because of mediakite. Yes, even vanilla REbirth does include some QoL features like Quickturn and Tactical Reload, but both are disabled by default on the launcher (I just did a fresh install, yes with my recently bought GOG version because I'm a sucker).

Also no, I don't have any issue with GOG consulting more experienced people for assistance either (because I'm sure they have had that style of conversation on these forums for other games and ultimately just leads into a better version of the game in the long run), I just wish they consulted them before the release in some capacity. But again, like I said previously, maybe I'm not giving GOG the benefit of the doubt here because they didn't want to step on Capcom's toes considering their modding policy.
Hard to explain
It's about nostalgia, the little details.
For example, there is an issue with transparency on the zombies. On the PSX version the jackets have tear and wear. It uses a transparency effect. On the PC version even on the latest one, that effect is still broken.
On the modded version, it was fixed. If not mistaken it was a fix done by rust on a re forum like 10 years ago or more.

While it's nice to see those thing fixed. It fails to preserve and represent the way the game did behave back in the day.
Wild.Dog: For example, there is an issue with transparency on the zombies. On the PSX version the jackets have tear and wear. It uses a transparency effect. On the PC version even on the latest one, that effect is still broken.
On the modded version, it was fixed. If not mistaken it was a fix done by rust on a re forum like 10 years ago or more.

While it's nice to see those thing fixed. It fails to preserve and represent the way the game did behave back in the day.
And here is where I think, preservation should also mean fixing things that are clearly broken or bugged. Wouldn't hurt if those things were fixed out of the box. They also fixed a music track not looping properly. So why stop there?

And there is more besides the Transparency:
Weskers Feet are in the Ground in both The Main Hall and the Tyrant Lab.
The Emblem in the dining hall is misaligned. Even Classic Rebirth doesn't fix the first two.
The second elevator in the Garden area also has a misaligned activation hitbox on the upper floor that isn't fixed.
Many objects should have a flashing star accompied by a tiny audio que so they can be seen easier, but that flashing is also broken on some of them.
There is probably many more broken things we don't know about.

Also why is the software rendering mode missing? Where is the 3DFX logo splashscreen?. Where is the Win95 theme that came with the game? Where is the manual? Where is the bonus savegames with all weapons unlocked? This is an incomplete, not properly preserved release. No matter how I look at it.

Then again, we also don't know what Capcom allowed them to fix and what not. Maybe GOG are under strict rules what they are allowed to touch and what not. And it's a damn shame!
Post edited June 30, 2024 by the_3rdplayer
the_3rdplayer: Also why is the software rendering mode missing? Where is the 3DFX logo splashscreen?. Where is the Win95 theme that came with the game? Where is the manual? Where is the bonus savegames with all weapons unlocked? This is an incomplete, not properly preserved release. No matter how I look at it.

Then again, we also don't know what Capcom allowed them to fix and what not. Maybe GOG are under strict rules what they are allowed to touch and what not. And it's a damn shame!
Software rendering was not even default on Win 95 and it was quite broken even on Win95.
3DFX logo, this is running using Directdraw why they didn't include a glide wrapper like they do with other games is not known.

The original release did not have any bonus savegame with all the weapons unlocked. That's something found on pirated versions. I just reinstalled RE1 on 86box and no bonus savegames.

About the manual and other extras, that's something i complaing in many old games. MK1,2,3 Trilogy and 4 don't have any user manual. When other games do have scanned user manuals. I guess they got access to the game files but maybe the user manuals were not kept around.. Given the fact that many companies doesn't even keep the source code of their older games. I can see them not keeping around the original user manuals.
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