Posted September 25, 2024
Come posso abilitare i sottotitoli (in qualsiasi lingua) in RE1? So che purtroppo non ci sono ancora i sottotitoli in italiano (spero proprio che un giorno ci saranno,anzi faccio richiesta ufficiale perchè ci siano), ma sembra che non ci siano affatto..
How can I enable subtitles (in any language) in RE1? I know that unfortunately there aren't any subtitles in Italian yet (I really hope that one day there will be, in fact I'm making an official request for them to be there), but it seems that they aren't there at all..
How can I enable subtitles (in any language) in RE1? I know that unfortunately there aren't any subtitles in Italian yet (I really hope that one day there will be, in fact I'm making an official request for them to be there), but it seems that they aren't there at all..
Post edited September 25, 2024 by batman79297