JRush981: After finish B and I unlock the infinite gat, sub-m, and rocket launcher will those be available in B once I beat A once more or is the rocket launcher the only infinite weapon in B?
There are 3 unlockable infinite weapons in the game.
Rocket Launcher (Any A Scenario - Ranking A or B - Under 2:30 hours)
Submachine Gun (Any B Scenario - Ranking A or B - Under 3:00 hours)
Gatling Gun (Any B Scenario - Ranking A or B - Under 2:30 hours - No Saves)
But here is where people struggle a bit to understand.
Every time you beat the game you are prompted to either make a new save file, overwrite or to just update the data. And this save is for the opposite scenario you just beat, meaning:
Beat Claire A to create/update Leon B.
Beat Leon B to create/update Claire A.
Beat Leon A to create/update Claire B.
Beat Claire B to create/update Leon A.
When you beat the game and successfully unlocked the weapons, you're just setting up flags for the opposite Scenario, e.g.
These are just examples!
A new game save file flags
Leon B save file flags after beating Claire A, unlocking the rocket launcher
So when you play Leon B you'll have an infinite rocket launcher. Be aware that by using any infinite weapon during the game will instantly drop your final ranking to B.
After playing this Leon B save file, you'll be prompted to make a new Claire A save file. The infinite weapons carry over save files, that's why you have to beat the game this many times.
Claire A save file after beating Leon B unlocking the other two weapons.
Then after that, you'll have to beat this Claire A save file to carry over the other two weapons to the Leon B save file. Technically, you have to beat the game 6 times to unlock everything in every Scenario. At least 6 times, you can miss the Gatling Gun because you have to beat the game without saving for this one, so you might do multiple playthroughs, it depends on you.
Detailed steps:
1. Start a Claire A new game. (beat the game under 2:30 hours with an A or B Ranking)
2. Create a Leon B save file. (after beating Claire A)
3. Load Leon B save file. (beat the game under 2:30 hours with an A or B Ranking without saving)
4. Create a Claire A save file. (after beating Leon B)
5. Load previously created Claire A save file. (just beat the game)
6. Update Leon B save file. (after beating Claire A)
And it goes all the same for Leon A / Claire B.
That's basically it.