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The controls are completely unintuitive and I found no hints how to use them anywhere.
I'm trying to play with keyboard and mouse and I can't change the camera perspective.
And how are you supposed to know that F9 is for quitting the game? If I hadn't read this here on the forum, I'd still use the Task Manager :(
Think I'll ask for a refund...
Agree that goodies and manual would be nice.

On the controls,they are listed on option menu and you can rebind them in game
100% agreed! Even a custom manual with just basic key explanations should have been mandatory here. For whatever reason, GOG put the cart before the horse on this one. Probably trying to rush it as all hell out the door to get that fast sale. Didn't seem to put any thought into basics like making sure that everyone knows about the F9 thing. Had to Google it a while on my phone since it DOESN'T TELL YOU ANYWHERE IN GAME ABOUT IT AHEAD OF TIME!!! You either know or you guess it.

So now there's no manual and no goodies. In a rush to get this out, they left out some things. Hopefully it'll get backfilled here soon.
Yeah, I only knew about the F9 thing to quit by reading the comments around here. I'll most likely forget it in future though.
A manual would definitely be ideal
Until they add the manual there is this website called [url=][/url] which has classic game manuals as pdf files.
You can download a copy of the manual from here.

Resident Evil PC Manual
Post edited June 28, 2024 by AdmiralBarrett
The links you provided are helpful, but still I expect a game I buy to come with a manul and/or an ingame tutorial.
AdmiralBarrett: You can download a copy of the manual from here.

Resident Evil PC Manual
Absolute legend, thanks for that~

No more Task Managering the game to close for me~
While i still have my OG manual from 1997, is something that GOG should do with every release. Give us a digitalized version of the user manual.

The Mortal Kombat games use function keys for many things and if you don't know to how use them. It's quite painful.

About the PC controls, to be fair are quite good for me, maybe because i grew with them or something.