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How on earth do i get my mouse working with this?

i got into what appears to be the settings ingame, i changed it from controller to keyboard and then changed some of the keys, but some of the keys im not allowed to change, such as control being the default button for running, i just want it on shift as that feels more comfortable except it refuses to let me key bind the shift button

i also cannot bind the mouse to anything either like the game is not even registering my mouse or something, i'd like it to be right mouse for holding the gun outwards and left mouse for firing, this doesn't seem to be working in the slightest - i even made sure by equipping the gun first and seeing if my character would aim, she does not.

i did alittle digging and i came across the dixi file, inside this there is a keyboardandmouse option which is set to false, so i changed it to true, doesn't seem to remotely do anything, i even scrolled down to keyboardandmouse and changed the "pad_button2 = kb_lcontrol" to lshift but that didnt do anything either.

Also, ive noticed that the settings ive changed to do not save unless i do an ingame save at the typewriter, however, the settings ive chosen become the new default settings when i reload the game, the arrow keys are the default, but after i've made changes to wasd, i saved at the typewriter and reloaded the game, the wasd are now the new default settings even at the main menu .... huh?

Does this game even use a config file? if so, where do it make it/store it? i've looked in the %appdata%, documents etc i cannot find a config file setting anywhere.

Any information around this would be wonderful if anyone knows, alls i want to do is have WASD as the movement (which i have done and its working fine) - mouse for aiming and firing - shift for sprinting instead of control and thats it, that doesn't seem hard to do and yet, it seems to be the most, asirnine thing ive ever come across in a video game lol
