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Now that I finished Resident Evil 1 two times, I feel like a junkie left stranded, lol.

Hope we don't have to wait too long for RE2 and RE3...
Post edited 12 hours ago by chakkman
chakkman: Now that I finished Resident Evil 1 two times, I feel like a junkie left stranded, lol.

Hope we don't have to wait too long for RE2 and RE3...
I feel the same way lol. Even through I beat RE3 more times than any other game, I'm still waiting for it like if I never played it before. RE2 is supposed to be finished already, so I hope it will be released at the end of this month.
Post edited 6 hours ago by Shocker650
That would be great. :) I never finished RE3, back in the days, and, I don't think I ever finished RE2 either, but, I played that more often than RE3. I finished the RE2 remake one time, but, that doesn't count.