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Does this GOG Version offer anything that the Classic Rebirth Patch doesn't do?
PsxMicha: Does this GOG Version offer anything that the Classic Rebirth Patch doesn't do?
Nope, i just completed a run and this is an older version of the PC game than the one used in Rebirth so it's actually got less stuff going on. The credits roll is different in this version but aside from that, this is a straight up inferior version to the release used by Rebirth.
The GOG version has v-sync, gamma correction, antialiasing, integer scaling and other stuff. Also has easier controller setup. Other bugs and stuff have apparently been fixed.

Classic REbirth on the other hand has resolution options and texture filtering. It also has some kind of rumble support, not sure how accurate it is, but it's nice to have. It also supports gameplay changes like quick turn and tactical reload. Classic REbirth is also based on the latest versions of the Japanese PC ports, but I'm not sure if they really are better, since the GOG versions has been patched a lot.

Some people are saying that Classic REbirth has better audio quality.

Hopefully we will get a version of Classic REbirth, that eneables us to have both GOG fixes and REbirth fixes combined.
For rebirth to work, you need the Japanese versions of the game.

Specifically you need the Mediakite published version of Resident Evil. Though from my understanding any Japanese version of the game can be converted to the Mediakite version by using the patch released for the Mediakite version.

For RE2 and RE3 you need the Sourcenext published versions of the game. There where Japanese re-releases of the games with updated compatibility for Windows XP. They where known for having the highest quality FMV's of any release of RE2 and RE3.

The problem with these versions of the game is if you want to own them legitimately they are insanely expensive, going for hundreds on E-Bay.

Even the old western version of the games that these GOG release's are based on where quite expensive to pick up second hand.

So these GOG releases finally give us a legitimate and relatively cheap way of picking up the old classics RE's without paying a fortune or resorting to piracy.
Concerning the system requirements (Windows 10/11): I am looking forward to times when we need Windows 12 exclusively just to run some old games.