the_3rdplayer: Because this is how it is. GOGs port wasn't made by an actual real fan of the games. And we don't know what Capcom officially provided GOG to make these ports. For all we know, and thats a joke, they might have downloaded every copy of the game they could find and frankensteined it together. But it's important to support this release, to let Capcom know we want this. They ignored the plea of the community for an actual real classic collection on every existing platform for over 20 years now. This is a first step in hopefully getting this long awaited official release in the future.
But its important to also let people know that this is not the best version to play, but an official and legal way to show support for the classic series on PC.
I dunno. It's fine if you download the Japanese version from GOG but at that point your back to using REbirth and you might aswell just install the seamless HD stuff at that point since you've already modded it...
So basically read Japanese or get a bad experience if it's Vanilla. Thankfully to my memory the RE2 and RE3 ports were not bad so if they don't touch them too much they should be in far better shape.
But I have a question, once doing the whole mod process how do I launch the game from Galaxy? I know I can just click the shortcut but I kinda like having things all on one app for launching.