UncleLijiah: What is the purpose of a patch called RB3DMPGoGpatch08. And earlier I went to 'Wings of Valor' and found the download 'mplayerini'. What do I do, just double click the GoG patch and let it run itself? How do I replace the mplayerini so I can see servers?
I have as of yet flown on a server with my RB3D game.
I have, I believe found these to be the same items. But I cannot find a file named baronmmp.exe so I can rename it to baronmmpGOG.exe.
Thank you,
Wailwulf: The mplayer.ini is a file that does a few things, the two main things it does is it allows you to set Chat Messages to hot keys. So, instead of pressing backspace (opens chat window), typing in your message like:
Salute, good fight!, and the pressing Return to send. You instead press backspace, a hot key with your pre-written message such as
Salute! Good Fight! and the return to send. You are able to set 6 pre-set messages in the mplayer.ini file. To do so, find the file in the main game folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG.com\Red Baron Pack\Red Baron 3D for example). Double click on mplayer.ini and it should open up in notepad. Under:
[QuickChat] you can add a message to these keys;
PageDown= Example messages:
Insert=Salute! Good Fight!
Delete=Salute Team! The second thing the mplayer.ini does is it allows you to see the game servers online. There are two listings,
[Knownservers] and
[Metaservers] [Knownservers] are for servers with a known, stable ip address, usually a server your friend has set up for you and your buddies. Take the ones listed in your mplayerini file and delete all the servers listed under
[Knownservers]. The ones that are lited there by GOG are years old and years dead. GOG scoured the internet for all known servers ever listed in old forums. Most were already dead for two or more years when GOG started to sell RB3D.
[Metaservers] are servers that list game servers. The game server operator has his server let the Metaserver know that it is up and the Meta server broadcasts it to those looking for games. Now, the ones in the GOG install are most likely all dead and defunct, but we do have members of the RB3D community run their own Meta Servers so others can find hames. So, under
[Metaservers], delete all of the servers listed and replace with:
Server=TCP: ; Redux
Server=TCP:rlgb.xs4all.nl:6001 ;Rens
Server=TCP: ; Tiger If there seems to be no servers up, or the servers take a very long time to show, go to this website:
http://sites.google.com/site/metaservers/ to see if there has been a change to any of the servers' address.
As to the
RB3DMPGoGpatch08 I have a version posted myself at
http://cid-e196374a237958b4.office.live.com/self.aspx/RBFILES/Baronmmpexe.rar Here is the history and the problem. With out a CD, RB3D asks for a CD to run the game. What GOG did was reworked the Baronmmp.exe so the player would not be asked for the CD, the game would just start up and play. The problem is most servers use security to fight against hacks, and this fix is treated as a hack, so a player with a GOG version of RB3D can not play on most servers.
RB3DMPGoGpatch08 contains (and my version) is a copy of Baronmmp.exe that is properly patched and does not have the fix that GOG put in to skip the CD is missing screen. Now, the missing CD screen is a bit of a smoke screen, for the game designers/programmers put a work around into the screen. When you get the missing CD screen, asking for you to either insert the CD, or to quit, all one has to do is click on the upper right cross six times and the game will run. See the image I hopefully was able to attach to this reply.
I thank you sir S! This is very helpful in two ways.